Our Week with Golf Matches and Prom.

Hey Y'all! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend! We sure did!! I am recapping last week and this past weekend! 

Our Week After Key West, A Visit to West GA, and a Digital Fast.

Hey Y'all! Happy Friday! I am still trying to get back into a grove since we are back from vacation in Key West. 

So I am recapping the rest of the week when we got back from Key West. 

President's Trip to Key West

Hey Y'all! Happy Monday! I missed y'all on Friday but I just couldn't get my life together after getting back on Wednesday. I am back today with a recap of our trip to Key West. 

Our Week with Golf Matches, A Massage, and Packing for Key West.

Hey Y'all! Happy Wednesday! Ben and I are heading home from Key West! We are ready to be home and see the kids and dogs!! I am recapping the week before we left for Key West. 

Friday Favorites | St. Patrick's Day Bar Cart

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Hey Y'all! Happy Monday!! I hope y'all had a great weekend! Today, I am sharing the St. Patrick's Day Bar Cart. 

Monthly Goals | March 2025

 Hey Y'all! Happy Friday! New Month = New Goals!

Our Week with Golf Matches, Ben in Vegas, Lunch Dates, and The Chilly Dogg.

Hey Y'all! Happy Wednesday! Hope your week is off to a get start! I am recapping last week and this past weekend!