Tuesday Talk {Carpool}

Happy Tuesday Friends. 

I would love to talk to you today about Carpool Line. I have been sitting in carpool line now for 7 years. Just started my 8th year and I have TWO carpool lines to sit in now! So I thought I would share how I spend my time. When Ian and Ella were in the same school. I generally sat in carpool for 30-45 minutes. Yes, I know to some folks that sounds CRAZY but it was my 'calm before the storm' aka homework, extra curricular activities, dinner, showers, bedtime.... 
However now I am in 2 different carpools at 2 different schools for about an hour and a half! So what do I do in that time??? Well let me just show you!! 

I work on blog post! My blog is hosted by blogger, so I use the app! 

I read... My Kindle is my carpool BFF! 

I work in my planner!! 

I have even packed up my "planner stuff" and worked on it in line. 

I work on PTO stuff

Duke is a GREAT helper! 

If for some reason I didn't get to enjoy my Quiet Time that morning, I will catch up on it!! 

And some days if I just need that cat nap.. I set my alarm on my phone and catch some zzzz's. Duke loves to sleep in carpool line! Even though in this picture he looks like he would be saying "Mom, LEAVE me alone, I'm sleeping" HA

Before I know it my time has past and it's time to get the monkeys kiddos in the car! Now if I could just figure out how to workout during carpool line that would be AWESOME. 
We should start a carpool cardio class!!! 😂

So if you are a carpool "sitter" what do you do to pass your time?? 

xoxo, Heather. 

Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Becky at BYBMG | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram


  1. Oh my gosh- you "set-up" for carpool line looks SO fun! I want to come hang out with you!! :) Way to make a situation like carpool line a positive one! If you are going to be sitting there for awhile- you might as well be productive!! :)

    1. Please come hang out with me!! hehe.
      I know I could make them ride the bus but that is just not ideal for certain situations right now so I try to make the best of it and be productive. :)

  2. I had no idea that blogger has a phone app. Thanks for that tip! I will be doing a 2-school carpool this year, but they both release at the same time. So my carpool time will be a little frantic! Have a great Tuesday!

    1. Yes. You can't really edit your fonts, center the whole post, etc. or atleast I haven't figured that part out. But I take so many pictures on my phone. It's easy to add those photos to the app save and then open blogger on my Mac and edit everything that way!!

      Oh that does sound frantic. Mine get out an hour apart. 😁

  3. I am jealous that you get this car pool line time! Hahaha! This is my most stressful time of the day trying to get five and six year olds on the right buses, vans, and correct siblings and adults. I am going to remember that nice mental picture of you planner station in your car (I LOVE everything about that picture). #carpoolenvy

    1. Oh Jenna. I bet that is stressful! But I'm that parent that can't wait to get my kiddos.
      I love hearing about their day. And yes they usually start bickering about 5 minutes after they are together but at least they are with me. :)
      I love planning on my planner during that time. I have the "I can't sit down when I'm home" syndrome so I use that time to do that kind of stuff. :)

  4. Nice use of your time!! I cannot imagine sitting for that long - but if you have to, you might as well stay busy!! Me, if I am doing carpool I am waiting until the last possible minute to grab and go so I don't have to wait!! :)

    1. I figure I'm going to wait that long no matter what time I come. Our carpool line is CRAZY!!
      Plus it's my only time I really "sit down" during the day. It's always go go go!! :)

  5. I didn't know there was a blogger app! Does that work for blogspot, too? I've really got to learn more about the technical side of blogging!
    I subscribed to the Girlfriends in God email after you posted about it a few weeks ago. I love it. So easy to read and applicable. I'm so glad you shared it! Have a great day!

    1. I'm not sure about blog spot!!
      I love my girlfriends in God! Glad you are enjoying it!!

  6. I need that blogger app!! I feel like it would make adding pictures soooo much easier? Sometimes that is what takes the longest for me blogging. Was it a free one? Or did you have to pay for it? Just curious. There were several when I looked!

    1. It is super easy to add pictures, Megan!! It was free. It has an orange background with a white B. if that helps.

  7. You do make the most of your carpool time! I need to get on the ball with the blogger app. I've had it downloaded for a long long time now, but can't seem to get myself to use it and I think it would be SO much easier especially when uploading photos from my phone =)

  8. I am not a carpool mama but if I were I would take advantage of all those things you do! xo

  9. I love the carpool cardio idea! Wish I could get one started at my kids school!! Carpool line can be the worst, way to make the most of it!!
