Happy Friday Friends....We made it to the weekend! Tonight is the Fall Festival at Ella's school, so I will be working away today to get that all set up!! Luckily, I have a great group of PTO ladies to work with so hopefully things will go smoothly today and tonight!!
This week's FAVORITES is going to be a little bit different....I am going to recap the last day of our vacation because it was my FAVORITE park with my FAVORITE ride.....Sea World~~
Wednesday, October 12 we spent the day at Sea World!
Ian was just not feeling up to riding the rides this day so he either waited for us at the start of the ride or Ben and I took turns with Ella!! However, he did feel like being the photographer for the day, so bare with some of the pictures ;) HA
Our first ride was Manta!!
The First show we watched was the Dolphins! I love dolphins!
The next ride we rode was Mako....
This is MY FAVORITE ride!!

It's the tallest, longest, and fastest roller coater in Orlando....but I would like to add smoothest! I do not love roller coasters but I ride them for my kids....you know to even us out! I hate the "sick" feeling I have when I get off of them! However, this ride does not give me that "feeling"! We bought fast passes for Sea World, as well! We literally walked onto this ride and Ella and I rode in the front! It was SO COOL!!
We saw....
and Manatees
We stopped by Antartica to visit the Penguins...
This little guy was very friendly!! He came right up to the glass!!
It was FREEZING in their exhibit...it was 32 degrees! Perfect for a Penguin ;)
We warmed up by visiting the Sea Lions and Seals...They were my FAVORITE!!
We bought fish to feed them! Ella wasn't feeding them fast enough because she was totally grossed out touching the fish but really wanted to feed them! So this one particular Sea Lion was making all sorts of noises at her! We would get tickled and dropped the fish a few times!
We saw Sharks, Fish, and Sting Rays
We watched my FAVORITE Show....Clyde and Seamore!
And of Course, we saw Shamu......
We DID NOT sit in the splash zone! HA
We had an AMAZING vacation!!
Thanks for sticking around this week and reading all about our trip!! I am no expert on Universal or Sea World but if you are planning a trip and have any questions! I would be happy to help if I know the answer!! Email me at heatherbramlett01@gmail.com
Hope you guys have a GREAT weekend!!
We have 2 activities planned from our Fall Bucket List, so I'll be back Monday sharing our weekend fun!!
Plus we were able to check off another item....
xoxo, Heather
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