I cannot BELIEVE that my Ella is 10 today! Two WHOLE hands, a full decade......and cue the tears!
She reminded me earlier this year that I was going to have a double-digit daughter and a teenager as a son! Thanks, Ella....NOT! 😢😢
Since we are on Fall Break, I asked Ella if she wanted to do anything special for her birthday! She said "I want to sleep in, have a movie marathon, and eat breakfast for dinner" Well her wish is my command.... today on the movie line up we have Harry Potter, Space Jam, and Hocus Pocus!! We had her friend birthday party 2 weekends ago with lots of red carpet fun! This past weekend, we spent the day at Jaemor Farms with some of my family and ended it with lunch with Ben's parents! So this sweet girl has had a full week of celebrating!
Ella is sweet, smart, and sassy all wrapped up in one package!
She has a heart of GOLD!
She is so sensitive.
She loves with her whole heart.
She strongly dislikes mornings and jeans.
She loves school and leggings.
She hates to disappoint anyone.
She loves to watch Project MC2 on Netflix.
She is SO messy. She leaves a trail everywhere she goes.
She loves to make slime.
She wants to be a teacher.
and just for fun, here is a picture of Ella every October since 2007
the moment I met my daughter, my forever friend...
2010- when she had her tonsils and adenoids removed.
Happy Birthday, Ella! We love you the MOSTEST!
xoxo, Mommy!

Justine at Full Hands, Full Heart
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