Last month I told y'all that I hadn't even started Christmas shopping well I am happy to report that I finished yesterday so all I have left is to wrap everything. I feel a few glasses of wine and a Christmas movie coming on to get that accomplished! 😉
I am joining Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer a week early for What's Up Wednesday to answer the following questions...

What we are eating this week…
Monday: Pizza and Salad
Tuesday: Out to eat before seeing Christmas Lights
Wednesday: FriendsMAS at The Smith's
Thursday: Chicken nuggets and Mac and Cheese; Salad for Ben and I
Friday: FriendsMAS with The Boswell's
Saturday: Christmas with Grandma Deb
Sunday: Christmas with Pop & Deborah
What I’m reminiscing about…
Is it sad to say nothing because I am just trying to live in the moment this Christmas season?
Having a Essential Oil Diffuser in my car. Seriously I love this little guy! I add a drop or 2 of peppermint on his head each morning and it justs makes me so happy!
What we’ve been up to…
We celebrated Ian turning 14, We celebrated Hunter turning 1, We decked our halls for Christmas, We created our Christmas Bucket List, We upgraded our cell phones, listened to Ella sing in her Christmas Chorus Concert, & Celebrated Christmas with Ben's dads side of the family.
What I’m dreading…
Taking down all my Christmas decorations. It's always a lot more fun to decorate than to undecorate. However, I do love a clean slate to deep clean and rearrange some things around the house.
What I’m working on…
Getting my planner organized for 2019 and writing down all my goals for 2019.
What I’m excited about…
Celebrating Christmas with my FAVORITE people this weekend and early next week.
What I’m reading…
Y'all are not going to believe this but I am not reading anything right now. I have not been in the reading mood at all lately. But I am hoping for some down time this weekend to read one of these books that Shelly shared on Monday.
What I’m watching…
We are still watching all the Christmas movies. I am loving all the Christmas movies on Netflix this year.
What I’m listening to…
All the Christmas music. I just say "Alexa, play Christmas music" and she does!
What I’m wearing…
Lots of Buffalo Plaid
Lots of Flannels. Old Navy's are my FAVORITE
This sweater has been on repeat. I love it.
What I’m doing this weekend…
We are celebrating Christmas with my mom and sister on Saturday and celebrating Christmas with my dad, stepmom, and brothers on Sunday. Sadly, Ben will miss it all because he will be in NYC for work.
What I’m looking forward to next month…
Starting a new year, making new goals, deep cleaning the house...You know all the fun stuff a new year brings.
What else is new…
Not Much! We are super busy this time of year so I'm just trying to take things one day at a time.
What have you been up to this month??
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