What we are eating this week…
Monday: Grind House in Athens
Tuesday: Grilled Chicken and veggies
Wednesday: Crockpot fajitas
Thursday: Leftovers/Clean out Fridge
What am I reminiscing about...
All things FALL and pulling out all my FALL decorations.
What I'm I Loving...
My new Football bundle listed in my SHOP! And my HALLOWEEN bundle that I just listed yesterday! So Precious
What have we been up to...
We started High School and Middle School.
With a Let's Taco 'bout going back to SCHOOL party!
We are back to car pool sittin'
We have built forts.
We have taken naps.
Enjoyed sleepovers at friends.
Started making Dog Food.
Celebrated Grandma Deb's birthday.
Hosted a team event at the lake.
Hosted the annual JGO
Played in more golf tournaments
and enjoyed FNL.
Nothing at the moment. It's my FAVORITE time of year.
What I'm working on...
More bundles for the SHOP!
What I'm Excited About...
I FINALLY got my LLC for Oh My Glitter
What am I Reading...
Yesterday I shared my July & August Book Review
What I'm Watching...
I am rewatching Hart of Dixie for the 4th time! But y'all gave me a lot of suggestions from this post.
I am also watching the BH 90210 Reboot and I am not loving it so far.

What I'm Listening to...
I can't STOP listening to this song and crying because it reminds me of my journey with my own mother who has another PET SCAN on Friday (Prayers NEEDED, please)
What I am wearing...
Check out my Pin it & Spin it this month for all my cozy outfit inspiration.
What I'm doing this weekend...
GOING TO NASHVILLE for the Georgia/Vandy game. and hopefully drinking wine out of one of these wine glasses!
Celebrating a 40th birthday and 16 years of marriage.
What else is new...
Not much of anything else is new!
What have you been up to lately?
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