I'm recapping our week and I hope you will grab our graphic and join us!

Last week was pretty quiet around here. Just getting back into our grove from Fall Break. I didn't feel all that great on Tuesday and Ella came home early from school on Wednesday feeling pretty crappy so we just layed low.
I did start prepping for a lip demo I have coming up this Thursday and I am hosting a Sip & Shop in 2 weeks at my house with a few other local vendors.
Senegence just realized this new collection. I can't wait to get my hands on it!
Ben had 2 sales reps retire last month so we took them to dinner at the country club on Friday night while Ian and Ella went the high school football game with some friends.
Saturday morning, we went to Waffle House for breakfast and then went to the mall to get the kids some pants.
Then we hung out at the house for the rest of the day and watched the Georgia game.
As most of you know, Georgia lost to South Carolina last weekend and in Saturday's game the score was 0-0 at halftime. Ben is CONVINCED that Georgia lost to SC because I didn't have red polish on my toes. He gave me so much grief for choosing one of OPI's new fall colors- Guilt under the Kilt.
I always have red polish so I thought I would switch it up a little but still be in the "red" family! Which in reality it is South Carolina's color.
But it's a pretty fall color, right?
Well during halftime Saturday night, he made me go paint my toes red. and GUESS WHAT?!?! We won 21-0 so lesson learned I will always have my toes painted red DURING football season.
I didn't realize my toes held the fate of Georgia football. 😉
This face melts my heart.
and so do these sweet girls! They had fun playing while we watched the game.
Sunday the boys played golf. I let Ella sleep in and I watched our church service online.
The rest of the morning/afternoon was spent doing laundry, cleaning house, and prepping for the week.
Last night, Ben and I went to the annual dinner/silent auction. I'll share later this week what I won!
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