It's the last Wednesday of the month and I am Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday to answer the following questions...
What we are eating this week…
Monday: Chicken, Salad, and broccoli
Tuesday: soup and grilled cheese
Wednesday: chicken nachos
Thursday: chicken stir fry
Friday- BBQ
What am I reminiscing about...
Christmas. I have pulled out all my fall decorations this week in order to set up for my Sip & Shop on Sunday.
What I'm I Loving...
I just announced a monthly monogram club in my SHOP! I will share the upcoming 3 decals around the 25th of the month and they will ship 3-5 business days after that.
Here are the 3 decals that you will receive for the month of November. All 3 decals for $12.99. (plus shipping)
What have we been up to...
We went to the lake with The Boswell's
I really started talking about being a Senegence distributor
This girl got her hair highlighted
and turned 12.
We visited with Chris and Kim.
We went to Jaemor Farms.
I shared my SIMPLE fall porch.
We supported our Bailey Ann in all of her HoCo festivities
and I did my FIRST lip demo!
What I'm dreading...
Still nothing at the moment. It's my FAVORITE time of year.
What I'm working on...
Cute Signs for the SHOP! and getting ready for my Sip & Shop on Sunday. This one will be listed next week after the Sip & Shop.
What I'm Excited About...
ARUBA next MONTH! I am so EXCITED! It's time for Ben's President's Trip. Here we are last year on our cruise.
What am I Reading...
To see what I have been reading lately check me out on GoodReads.
One book that I am loving during my Quiet Time is this book... I have about 7 pages left in the book. It's SO GOOD y'all!

What I'm Watching...
All the Hallmark Christmas movies.

What I'm Listening to...
Is it sad to say nothing? I am really enjoying my silence right now.
What I am wearing...
All the leggings because I have been in full work mode and they are comfy.
What I'm doing this weekend...
Watching Georgia/Florida game. and hosting my first Sip & Shop.
What I am looking forward to next month...
can I say ARUBA, again??
What else is new...
Not much of anything else is new!
What have you been up to lately?
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