But first let's see how well I did in N O V E M B E R
✓1. Enjoy Aruba with Ben. Yes, you can read the recap HERE.
✓2. Keep celebrating my people. Yes, it has just been little things but things my people love.
✓3. Continue working on deleting/organizing photos on my phone. Yes, I made a huge dint in this task on the plane to NYC.
✓4. Get my Christmas Shopping list organized. Yes, and I have started Christmas shopping. I have a little more to buy.
✓5. Start thinking about 2020 Goals. Yes, I have BIG goals for 2020.
✓1. Plan Ian's 15th birthday celebration. Yes, and it is this Saturday.
✓2. Work on Fall Bucket List. Yes, and I plan on sharing an update next week.
✓3. Celebrate Thanksgiving. Yes, and you can read our recap HERE.
✓4. Watch Ian in his TOUR championship. Yes, He came in 5th place.
My Glittery Heart:
✓1. Share Cranberry Recipe. Yes, You can see it and the Christmas Bar Cart HERE.
✓2. Aruba Recap. Yes, and read all about our trip HERE.
✘3. Bucket List Update. No, but I plan to share next week.
✓4. Blogging Break. Yes, and it was nice.
Oh My Glitter:
✓1. Pray for sales to pick up. Yes, and they have finally started coming the past few days.
✓2. Attend "Enjoy the Holiday Days." Yes, and it was very successful.
✓3. Host Black Friday Sale. Yes, and it was a success, as well.
✓1. Share bundle packages. Yes, Make sure you check out my Instagram Highlights.
✘2. Show a before and after. No, My before is scary but I need to share it.
✓3. Share more on IG stories. Yes, Ella and I had fun sharing the Holiday Mini Lip Glosses.
1. Continue making it to the gym at least 3 times each week.
2. Finalize 2020 Goals.
3. Intentionally celebrate my people.
4. Continue working on the photos on my phone.
5. Enjoy the season.
1. Celebrate Christmas.
2. Celebrate Ian's 15th Birthday.
3. Host/Attend FriendsMAS.
4. Attend the Nutcracker at the Fox.
5. Visit the Botanical Gardens.
6. Family Photos.
My Glittery Heart:
1. Share Winter Bucket List.
2. Share Family photos.
3. Christmas Home Tour.
4. Think about my 4 year Blogiversary.
5. Plan out Social Media
Oh My Glitter:
1. Share January Monthly Monogram Club.
2. Set a Christmas cut-off date.
3. Host an in-stock Christmas sale.
1. Host a Sale.
2. Host a Lip Demo.
3. Share Holiday Lips and/or Look
So what do you hope to accomplish this month??
Here are some pictures from the month.
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