I bought my sweet friend, Leigh Anne, this bracelet for Christmas because her family left on the 26th to go see the MOUSE!

I ordered myself and Talia this devotional that I started on the 1st.

I ordered this chopper because my old one broke and it is seriously the best!

Ella received this for Christmas and we haven't quite got it figured out yet!

The kids and I gave this cigar holder to Ben for Christmas and he LOVES it!

I ordered this tea bag holder.

and this honey jar.

This turtleneck and I LOVE IT! Thanks Andrea for sharing!
I love my Toms and I love this color.

We ordered a new blow up screen but haven't used it yet! It's been either to cold or to wet!

Of Course I ordered more peppermint EO!

I ordered this sweatshirt but I'm not sure if I am keeping it.

I can't wait to see what everyone else has been ordering!!
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