It's the last Wednesday of the month and I am joining Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday to answer the following questions...
What we are eating this week…
Monday: Soup and Salad
Tuesday: Sausage, peppers, onions, and dirty rice
Wednesday: Chicken Parmesan
Thursday: Spaghetti
Friday- Date Night
What am I reminiscing about...
I'm still wishing for anything to do with SUMMER and DRY weather! I want warm weather and no schedule.
What I'm I Loving...
Rhubarb LipSense! I am loving this pinkish red color!
What have we been up to...
Filming videos for my Senegence business!
Sharing my Quiet Time again!
Sharing my Valentine's Bar and Coffee Cart!
Crushing my Gym Goals!
Enjoying our DAY of Snow!
What I'm dreading...
Just the weather. I'm a warm weather kind of gal. I feel like it has rained forever!
What I'm working on...
Building my confidence in my SeneGence business!
What I'm Excited About...
Being on Dawn Barton's Book Launch Team! Make sure you PRE-ORDER!!
What I'm Reading...
Make sure you are following me on Goodreads and I can't wait to start this book.

What I'm Watching...
I just started watching Dolly Parton's Heartstrings on Netflix 

What I'm Listening to...
I mentioned a while back that Ben swore he gave Luke Combs the words to Beautiful Crazy to sing about me well now he swears that Better Together was written for us!
What I am wearing...
Here is my Winter Wardrobe
What I'm doing this weekend...
Ella is going to a weekend retreat with the youth, Ben and I have a date night scheduled for Friday night and I don't know what else we will get into!
What I am looking forward to next month...
All the celebrations. 3 Birthdays and a Baby Shower!
What else is new...
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