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Monday, April 13th-
I woke the kids up at 9:00 so that they could wake up, eat breakfast, and be ready to start school by 10:00. Well Ian's teachers had not posted any new work yet (it was our first day back from spring break) so he wanted to go to the golf course. I dropped him while Ella got started on all her school work.
At 12:30, I joined my favorite trainer, Becca, at the gym for a LIVE workout.
Ella got finished with her work so I got ready and filmed a video on applying Shadowsense. While I was getting ready Ella was being goofy and taking selfies on my phone. Love this sweet girl.
We met Ben at the course around 3:30 and I rode while Ella played 9 holes and her daddy helped her.
We were twinning so of course we had to document it.
This is the look that I filmed earlier in the day!
Ben just loves watching her play his favorite sport!
Tuesday, April 14th-
It was much of the same thing. I woke the kids up at 9. They got started on school work while I ran to Publix as quickly and safely as I possibly could.
I washed everything including our fresh fruit and then I got started deep cleaning the kitchen.
By 5:30 this is what our quarantine life had come to..
We took our goofiness outside to the enos. Ian is in the other one but he wouldn't let me take his picture.
Later that night I was watching Step Mom and ugly crying when these 3 came to see why I was crying.
Wednesday, April 15th-
The morning started off much the same. Kids doing school work and I started deep cleaning the living room helping them as needed.
I turned on some country music and got things done.
At 12:30, I did another LIVE workout with Becca. Then we got ready and headed to the golf course.
I recently switched the decals on mine and Ella's yeti's and I forgot to share! Let me know if you need one.
It was Ella's best friend, Addison's, birthday so we did facetime her and sing Happy Birthday!
Thursday, April 16th-
Again the morning started out much the same. Kids doing school work and I started deep cleaning the dining room. I walked by my office and found Duke on the yoga mat. ( Ella has been doing yoga in the mornings on FT with her 2 besties.)
The kids finished school work, Ben came home early, and we just enjoyed being outside. I cooked dinner, cleaned my office, and went to bed early.
Friday, April 17th-
The kids are not getting any new content on Friday's. They are to use this day as a "catch up", read, or get outside day. Of Course, Ian wanted to go to the course so I dropped him off right at 10. Ben worked from home and Ella was just enjoying a day of no school work.
I shared a 10 minute face using 10 products.
Becca wasn't able to do a LIVE workout so I hopped on the Peloton.
Ben ran up to the course to get Ian and we chilled the rest of the day. We grilled pork chops for dinner and just enjoyed the sunshine.
At 4:30, I grabbed a Bon & Viv and headed out to read in Ella's ENO all the while wondering how long it would take for them to find me.
At 5:00, the ENO looked like this...
Friday night we meet LeighAnne and Bailey at her hig school to see the stadium lit up with 2020
Saturday, April 18th-
Ben and Ian had a 10:40 tee time so Ella and I enjoyed a slow morning at home. I did a few house chores but stayed curled up on the couch for the most part.
We met the boys at the golf course around 2:00 and they played 9 holes.
We got dinner to go from the club and enjoyed an evening outside.
Sunday, April 19th-
Ben and Ian tried to play golf before the rain started but that didn't happen. I watched church online, did laundry, caught up on my Bible reading, made dough for pizzas, dyed my hair, and just relaxed.
We were in bed early and now we are ready to start another week of quarantine.
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