Happy Friday Friends!! How was your week? Well we survived our third week of digital learning along with Ella having MAP testing. We start back to school in person on Tuesday! My kids will go Monday and Tuesdays to start with and Digital Learn Wednesday-Friday! I have to say I am not hating that schedule!
Another Week of my New Friday Favorites Layout...
ENTERTAINMENT- This could be a show, a book, or music! Anything that I found entertaining from the week.
PRODUCT- This could be a new product I have tried, a favorite SeneGence product, an Oh My Glitter design. You get the point.
POST- This could be a favorite blog post or Instagram post from either mine own post or from a favorite blogger/account.
MOMENT- This could be any moment from our week that made me grateful, hopeful, or happy.
MISCELLANEOUS- This could be a repeat of any categories from above or just anything I feel like sharing with y'all!
Have y'all watch The Ranch on Netflix? Ben and I are almost finished with the series. It took me several episodes to get into it but then I was hooked. The humor is so stupid, you can't help but laugh.
Well this is several products that I LOVE all in one picture.
Ella is all about baking and I am all about trying new recipes so I moved the Kamut and Sugar to the "island" for easy access.
Y'all know how much I love Target and Y'all know how much I adore sweet Andrea so I got right to shopping from her Target Haul.

Happy Friday Friends!
Linking up with Momfessionals for Friday Favorites.
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