Happy Wednesday Friends! How is your week going so far? It's time for my monthly recap on my health and fitness journey.
If you remember from my original post, I was going to answer a list of questions each month so here it goes....
1. How Many Times I Closed my Rings on my Apple Watch- 14 times from March 31-April 27th
I did close all three rings Monday and yesterday but I snapped this picture on Monday morning.
2. My Favorite Healthy Meal- I am still loving this spring salad mix topped with rice cauliflower, chicken, blue cheese crumbles, and hot sauce. I ate it just about everyday for the past 2 months.
3. How Many Days I Tracked My Food- I tracked my food 9 times using my Erin Condren Wellness Journal. Plus I have also started counting calories
4. How Much I Lifted/Squatted-
Deadlift 150 with 8 reps ( we worked on increasing reps this month, not weight)
Bench Press 110 pounds with 6 reps
Back Squats 135 with 5 reps
5. My Favorite Exercise Accessory- I finally found sport bras that DO NOT have removable padding. All the praise hands. 🙌🙌
6. How I Felt Overall that Month- I felt pretty good overall. I felted a lot better when I was tracking so I could see what I was eating.
7. What Small Changes I Made this Month? really being mindful of my calorie intake.
8. How Many Pounds I Lost- 3lbs
9. A Picture of Myself- I will say this... I have been this weight before but I looked a lot bigger. I know weight lifting does add pounds where when I was this weight before it was just fat. Jsut being honest.
I know this is a lifestyle journey and not a sprint. It's going to take time.
Thank you all for the love, support, and positive words. It means a lot to me
What else should I be tracking in my Heath and Fitness journey?
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