Happy 7th Birthday to My Glittery Heart

Happy Wednesday Y'all! My Glittery Heart is celebrating SEVEN years of blogging today!! 

I thought it would be fun to share my top S E V E N post from 2022...

1. Y'all do love a good weekly recap. Our Week with Putting the Etsy Shop on Vacation and Goat yoga was my highest viewed post from last year. 

2. Y'all love the Bar Cart as much as I do. The NYE Bar Cart was a huge hit. 

4. Prime Purchases are always one of my favorite post to share. Prime Purchases | June 2022 was a favorite last year. 

5. Weekly Recaps keep getting lots of views. Our Week with Golf Matches and Wilkes was a good one. 

6. The 4th highest viewed Weekly Recap. Our Week with Peloton Rides, Cuteness Overload, and 3rd Place. I have to say it is fun looking back on these recaps. 

7. Finally the Weekly Recap of Our Week with Snow and TWO Date Nights. 

Needless to say, Y'all love a good Weekly Recap! 

7 Reasons I Continue to Blog... (the first 6 are from last year and still hold true.) 

1. I love preserving my families memories on this little space.

2. I love the friendships I have made from blogging.

3. I love sharing products that I love and find helpful.

4. It's still a creative outlet for me.

5. I love helping others. Even if it is just sharing our everyday life, it may help someone else in their everyday routine. 

6. I love being inspired from other bloggers. I love seeing their everyday lives, their favorites on Fridays, their Prime Purchases, their vacations, etc. Y'all make me what to be better for myself. 

7. Because there are still good people in this world and they show up for every blog post to leave comments. THANK YOU! 

6 Things I have Learned from Blogging... (the first 5 are from last year and still hold true.) 

1. Blogging is very time consuming 😉from planning content, photographing content, to writing content. It takes a lot of time.

2. Readers enjoy everyday real life experiences over all the sponsored post. Now, don't get me wrong I love the income of a sponsored post but I don't want my entire blog to be built around that.

3. It's hard work to get noticed in the "blog world" just getting readers is a full time job but one I am working hard on because I love the interaction.

4. Everyday I question if I should just "throw in the towel" and then I will get the sweetest comment and remember why I started this little space in the first place!

5. It's ok to take breaks. It's ok to step away for a bit and then come back when you are ready. 

I can't thank y'all enough for reading this little space of mine and watching my family grow! Cheers to year #6!

6. I have learned new skills. I have learned how to create graphics, embed videos, add links, website hosting. Things I would never have learned if I didn't start this little space. 

7. I get out what I put into this little space. 

Cheers to year 7! Can't wait to watch this little space GROW!!