Happy Wednesday Y'all! How is your week going so far?? We are just hanging out. My kids go back to school on Monday! I am recapping the past 2 weeks in one post. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!!
Monday, December 19th-
It was coffee and Jesus, Kids to school. Then I went to the Mall of Georgia to Christmas shop. Had lunch at P.F. Changs. I met Ian in the shopping center by our house to do a little more Christmas shopping. Ran my car through the car wash.
I got home and look who was loving her new bed in her brothers room.
Tuesday, December 20th-
Coffee, Jesus, Kids to school. I packed an order, made a taco dip for a Christmas celebration, ran into Publix on my way to the dentist bc a certain teenage boy ate part of the chips I needed for my taco dip. 😉
Got my teeth cleaned and headed to The Oasis for a Christmas Celebration. Went back to Publix for grocery shopping. Ian went with me to pick up a truck load of firewood, I cleaned the craft room, Wrapped gifts, and worked on blog post.
Then looked what happened....
Ian talking to the LaGrange Golf Coach about going down for a visit.
Wednesday, December 21st-
Coffee, Jesus, Kids to School (well Ella but Ian took her; he was finished). I cleaned the house, laundry, then Kathryn brought Ella home at 11:30. They had a half day. Ella had a 1:15 hair appointment, I dropped her off and went to meet Ben for his teams Christmas lunch. Ian picked up Ella for me.
We got home and celebrated Christmas with The Boswell's. But we were also pupping sitting for our Young Life Director, Abby.
Look at Mills. She is a mini Golden doodle. Pure Precious.
Thursday, December 22nd-
Coffee, Jesus, Enjoyed a slow morning. Then I got myself ready and headed to Striplings before having Christmas with Talia.
I think all the girls enjoyed the first morning of sleeping in.....
Friday, December 23rd-
Coffee and Jesus. Enjoyed the day at home. Finished making bone broth and really loved my new socks from Leigh Anne and Bailey!
We got home, unpacked, showered, and bed.
Saturday, December 24th- Christmas Eve.
Coffee and Jesus. Ian went to a Christmas with Kathryn's family. Then we went to Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at church and Ninja for dinner.
I had everything cleaned up and Christmas was over in a matter of minutes.
Sunday, Christmas 25th- Christmas Day
Christmas morning felt really weird but Trixie and I enjoyed our slow morning and coffee.
These two were getting a birds eye view of Christmas breakfast!
We did enjoy our traditional Christmas dinner of ritz chicken, fried okra, and au gratin potatoes.
Monday, December 26th-
Coffee, Jesus, and Ben helped me bring in the bins to start taking down all the decorations. I started cleaning up and at 12:05 this is what the girls looked like.... The boys had a 12:30 tee time.
I spent the rest of the day cleaning and putting up decorations. I made soup for dinner and we crashed.
Tuesday, December 27th-
Coffee, Jesus, and I met my sister to head to Blairsville for my aunts funeral 😢 However, the drive up was beautiful.
Wednesday, December 28th-
Coffee and Jesus. Finish taking down the Christmas decorations and setting up for NYE!
I met Ben for lunch and then went to Publix. Dinner, Showers, and Bed.
Thursday, December 29th-
Coffee, Jesus, Mills went home and then I went to my nail appointment. lazy afternoon and then we went to listen to Brandon Conway at Park Place. It was so good and he was amazing like always.
Friday, December 30th-
Coffee, Jesus, then all the things..... cleaning, blogging, meal planning, set up planner, and all the laundry.
Love this little corner in my craft room.
Ella went to dinner and Target with Abby, Addison, and Laney Brook. Abby brought her home and Ian went to hang with Kathryn.
Saturday, December 31st- NYE
We got up and headed to breakfast and then to the Mall of Georgia for some shopping. We got home, I did a clean sweep of the house, a cat nap, and then started the low country boil for dinner.
Sunday, January 1st-
Ben was up and off to the course, Ella was still at Addison's, and Ian and Kathryn slept in (she spent the night; yes they slept in separate beds)
I cleaned, started laundry, took the trash to the street, blogged, and worked on my clean out/organize list.
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