Monthly Goals | July 2023

Hey Y'all! Happy Friday!! I didn't set any goals last month so I thought I would share a few to wrap up our summer vacation. I am not even going to bother to see how I did in MAY! That seems so long ago. 

Let's start with J U L Y...


1. Date Nights with Ben. We have 2 scheduled this month and I pray they happen. 

2. Binge Watch Sweet Magnolias. Y'all I can't wait to watch season 3! 

3. Weigh in at WW.  Y'all this month I know I am going to gain but I must keep weighing in regardless. It keeps me in check and helps me mentally. 

4. Dermatologist Appointment. I started having to give myself shots for my eczema. I need to work on getting my nutrition in check. 


1. Santa Rosa. We have 5 days planned to spend in Santa Rosa and we are so excited because we have never been there before! 

2. Shop for Ian's Dorm. Not ready for this one but ready or not, it's happening. He moves into his dorm August 15th. 

3. Attend Open House for Ella. I can't believe that we already have to add Open House to the calendar. Summer needs to be longer. 

My Glittery Heart: 

1. Keep up with Recaps. I am just trying to keep up with life in general right now so I feel like if I can keep up with recaps in this little space, I will be doing good. 

Oh My Glitter: 

1. Brainstorm for the Fall. Y'all I need to decide what I am doing with this little shop of mine. Continue to keep it open and add more items to the shop, advertise it, etc. or just let it die. 

Not a lot of excitement happening around here but lots of changes. Not to mention, I hate change. 😆

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