Our Week with Having the Porch Stained, Sweet Magnolias, and GNO!

Hey Y'all! How is your day going so far?? I am recapping last week! 

Monday, July 17th- 

Coffee and Jesus. All the laundry and getting settled from coming back from the beach! I had a dermatologist appointment at 2:10. It was a check up from my shots! They are really helping to keep my eczema under control.  It was a free for all for dinner! It was time for showers and bed. 
Tuesday, July 18th- 
It was a sleep in morning til about 7:45 when I had to drag this girl and her brother out of bed to make it to their 8:30 AM grooming appointment. 

I got back from dropping them off and the painters arrived to start staining the front porch. 

Later that afternoon, I took Ella and 2 friends to the pool for a little bit. Then I dropped all the girls off at Addison's house and came home to chill. It was another "whatever" for dinner because it was just Ben and I at home. Showers and Bed. 
Wednesday, July 19th- 
I was up super early to pick up Colleen at 6AM for her cataract surgery. She did great and after her surgery we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, dropped her off at home once I got her settled. Then it was home to do a little cleaning and laundry. That evening, Ben and I went to a wine tasting at The Lobby then dinner at The Bistro. Got home around 10 and crashed. 
I started cleaning out/organizing the craft room and only got this shelf done. 

Thursday, July 20th- 
Coffee and went to weigh in at WW. I was down 0.2 and that was a trip to the beach!

    I went to the car wash, dropped off donations at Goodwill, ate a quick lunch and then start Sweet Magnolias Season 3. 

    I pretty much stayed in this spot for most of the day until it was time to make dinner and an AWFUL storm rolled through...
    Ian took Ella to a friends house for me and he got caught in the storm driving home, Bailey was home alone and lost power so she came to our house, Kathryn was at our house for dinner when her house lost power so she just stayed the night with us. Ella's friends house lost power and I offered to go pick up all the girls but they stayed at her friends house. 
    After I got everyone settled, I finished watching Sweet Magnolias. I crawled in bed well after midnight.
    Friday, July 21st- 
     Coffee and Jesus. Enjoyed a slow morning and then I went back to work in the craft room with the help of Dr. Zoe Hart. I started Hart of Dixie for the millionth time. 
    I got a good bit of work finished before Ella and I went to meet Bailey for mexican and GNO at one of our local boutiques. 

    We got home fairly early and it started storming again. UGH! We chilled and then I crawled into bed early. 
    Saturday, July 22nd- 
    Coffee, Jesus, worked a little more in the craft room then Ella and I went to lunch and back to school shopping! 
    Look what they had a Target.  Who remembers the good ole Trapper Keeper.

    We got home, Ella got all her new supplies together, and then Daniel was dropped off at our house around 4pm for her to babysit. 
     We grilled chicken for dinner and just chilled and played with Daniel for the evening. 
    Sunday, July 23rd- 
    Coffee, Jesus, Then got ready for church. The girls went to church while the guys were at the course then we met them for lunch and headed to the pool for a few hours. 
     Picked up Jersey Mike's for dinner and then showered and finally sat down to watch CMA FEST! 
    It's always fun to watch it after being there! 

    Look who joined me for a little bit. 

        We finally crashed into bed ready for a new week! 
    I will be back next week with plans to return to regularly blogging! 

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