Hey Y'all! Happy Wednesday! I can't believe it is DECEMBER 6th. Like where did 2023 go??? I am sharing a few goals that I hope to accomplish this month.
Let's start with D E C E M B E R goals then we will see how I did in November.
1. Christmas Shop: I have a good bit purchased already but I need to finish up before all the Christmas festivities.
2. Host Annual Wine Tasting/Ornament Exchange: It is one of my FAVORITE evenings of the whole year.
3. Enjoy the Christmas Season: We have several Christmas' planned and even hosting a couple. It's the best time of the year. Since I am the one that plans everything from what we are taking food wise, make said food item, and what gifts need to make it with us, sometimes it can get a little hectic and overwhelming.
4. Mail Christmas Cards: I love how our family pictures turned out this year and I can't wait to add them to our cards.
5. Update Gallery Wall: I love my gallery wall and looking at the different ages and stages of my family.
6. Advent Class: Celebration of Advent at The Oasis. It's a 4 week series and I am excited to participate in the classes.
1. Watch our Dawgs: We love our Bulldawgs and will always watch them. (They lost to Alabama this past Saturday and it was rough in our house) So now we will watch them on December 30th in the Orange Bowl.
2. Celebrate All The Christmas': It's the most wonderful time of year and all the celebrations are so much fun!
3. Christmas Lights: I hope we can sneak in a night to enjoy all the lights. We have tossed around the idea of driving down to Calloway to see the lights there, Lake Lanier, Botanical Gardens again, or just riding around and looking at local lights.
4. Celebrate Ian's 19th Birthday: This will be the first year that Ian won't be home for his birthday but we hope to celebrate him.
5. Brunch with Santa: We love this event at Legend's.
My Glittery Heart:
1. Share Christmas Home Tour: It's my favorite time of the year and I can't wait to share our home again with y'all.
2. Share Bar Carts: This month I hope to share the Christmas and NYE bar carts.
Oh My Glitter:
1. Attend 2 Vendors Events: I'm excited to be apart of these events.
Now lets see how I did in November.....
✘1. Delete 500 pictures. Still have over 13,000 pictures on my camera roll! UGH
✘2. Continue going to my WW weigh ins and meetings. I have been attending virtual meetings. I am loving the 8:30 Monday evening meetings. With my membership, I can attend as many meeting as I would like and I need to start taking advantage of those.
✘3. Mark 2 rooms off the home improvement list. I hope to clean out the Master Bedroom and Kitchen.
✔4. Decorate for Christmas. Oh my goodness, I can't wait to have a Christmas tree up in my living room.
✘5. Close Apple Rings 10 times. I really need to get back into an exercise routine and setting this goal always seems to help me.
✔6. Practice Sourdough. My starter is going great but sourdough bread is a process and I need more practice.
✔7. Use Red Light Therapy. I purchased the Lumebox a while back and have yet to use it.
✔1. Ben- Valdosta to play in the Alumni Tournament.
✔2. Boys Trip- My guys are going on a boys golf trip with Ian's roommate, Jay, and his dad to Ponte Vedra and Kinderlou.
✔3. Girls- Concert in Athens to see Kameron Marlowe.
✔4. Celebrate Thanksgiving. We can't wait to celebrate by giving thanks for our family and friends.
My Glittery Heart:
✘1. Christmas Home Tour. It's my favorite time of the year and I can't wait to share our home again with y'all.
✘2. Christmas Bar Cart. Y'all know the bar cart always gets it's own post and this one will be no different.
✔3. Christmas Gift Guides. I love sharing with y'all items that my family loves and I hope my guides can help y'all with your gift giving this season.
✔4. Next Year. I am starting to think about how I want this little space to go in 2024.
Oh My Glitter:
✔1. Attend 2 Vendor Events- I am excited to finally get back to these events.
✘2. Party Box- take 4! Y'all might remember a while back I wanted to create a "party box". The box would include items like a glass, a mug, cupcake toppers, paper straws, festive napkins, etc. I want to have a few of these made for my vendor event this month. Maybe I will get it made this month but if not it's ok.
✔3. Next Year. I am starting to think about how I want this little space to go in 2024.
I didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped but here are some pictures....

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