Our Week in Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Hey Y'all! I know it's been a minute since I got a blog post up. But I am finally back with our Santa Rosa beach trip recap!! 

Sunday, July 14th- 

The kids and I were up early and heading to Santa Rosa around 6am. Ben stayed home to deal with the AC.  The AC guy got to the house around 9am. Once the AC guy determined that we needed a new unit, Ben called me, I called my neighbor. She kept our dogs until my sister could pick them up. The original plan was for my sister to stay at our house with the pups. 

We got to Santa Rosa a little after Ben and his mom headed down. Once we got to SR, the house wasn't ready so we drove to Seaside for lunch. 

Look at Brett with his frog legs for lunch. 

Once we got to the house and unloaded, we went straight to the pool. Ben and Colleen finally got to the house and me, Colleen, and Kelly (Ben's aunt) headed to Publix to grocery shop. 

We picked up pizza and salad for dinner. 

Once everyone ate and all the groceries were put away, we just chilled for the evening. 

Monday, July 15th- 

We were up early, made breakfast, and soon hit the pool. The girls got the boys GOOD this year with the matching swim trunks. The were dissolving swim trunks. Have you seen them on Amazon?  

These boys were good sports! 

Monday night, we grilled bbq chicken for dinner and just hung out. It took several of us to operate this fancy oven.

Tuesday, July 16th- 

We started our day on the beach! 

Then we went to the pool for awhile. We got ready and drove into Destin to have dinner at The BackPorch and then had all the fun at The Track...

With our matching shirts. 

We ended the night with bumper cars. Then headed back to our house. It was about a 40 minute drive. 

Wednesday, July 17th- 

We were up early, ate breakfast, and look at our beautiful view. 

We enjoyed a slow day at the pools and some went to the beach. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner. 

Thursday, July 18th- 

The boys headed out for a fishing trip and the girls enjoyed a slow morning before heading into Seaside for permanent jewelry. 

We enjoyed the pools when the guys got home. We went to The Bay for dinner and look at our jewelry. 

A little after 8pm, we were poolside watching the RNC. 

By 9:30, I was in my pjs still watching the RNC inside. 


We all finally crashed. 

Friday, July 19th- 

We were all over the place, some went to pick up doughnuts and groceries, some went to the pool, some went to the beach, some napped, and my crew drove back to Seaside for more jewelry and t-shirts. 

When we got back, we chilled and played card games. 

We grilled steaks and shrimp for dinner and crashed early because we knew we were leaving early Saturday morning. 

Saturday, July 20th- 

We were up early, showered, packed, and cleaned the house. We got on the road home around 9am (CT). 

On the way home, we stopped by Best Buy to pick up a playstation game for Ben and dropped off Grammy. 

Once we got home, Ella went to hang out with her friends and Ian and Kathryn went to dinner with her dad. 

Ben and I ordered El Real for dinner while we unpacked and started laundry. 

Ella spent the night out and I crashed as soon as Ian and Kathryn got home!! 

Sunday, July 21st- 

Ben and I went to breakfast and joined Costco. I don't need to say anything else about our day! HA 


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