Our Week with Travel Planning, Daniel's Surgery, and The Pool.

Hey Y'all! Happy Monday! I hope y'all had a great weekend. I am recapping July 8th-13th! 

Monday, July 8th- 

Ben to the Office, Ella to Work, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ian went to work with Kathryn. I did all the things... grocery pickup, cleaning, laundry, phone calls, etc. I did manage to plan Ben and I's anniversary weekend in September. I did cook catalina chicken and dirty rice for dinner. Ben went for drinks after work with a few co-workers. I also researched a trip to DC and Lexington, KY. 

By the time everyone got home, I was exhausted and soon crashed. 

Tuesday, July 9th- 

I woke up not feeling great. So I had a slow morning while Ben and Ella went to work. I got ready, headed to my 11am nail appointment and thank goodness my stomach had calmed down. I met Leigh Anne for lunch at Smokey Gringo. 

Then I met Ella for her Dual Enrollment orientation. Afterwards, I stopped by Target and then came home. 

Ian went to Kathryn's for the evening, Ella was in and out, and Ben got home around 8:45 from Burn with 2 of his reps. 

Wednesday, July 10th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the Office, the kids slept in, I went to workout. Then home to get ready and I headed to the hospital to hang out with Amber, Johnathon, my sister, my mom, and Johnathon's aunt and uncle while our sweet Daniel had another open heart surgery. 

Look at our sweet boy. 

I posted this picture with the permission of his momma, my niece, Amber. 

Wednesday night, Daniel did very well and mom and dad got some rest. 

Please keep this sweet boy in your prayers for a speedy recovery. 

Thursday, July 11th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the office, Ella went to work around 8:30. Keri and I walked 2 miles. I did a clean sweep of the house, ran a few errands, went to the bank for the golf booster club. 

Amber kept me updated on our sweet Daniel. He had to go back to surgery to remove what they thought was a quarter that showed up on his xray at preop but it turned out it was a "lucky penny". 

Here is his "souvenir"


Ella got home, freshened up, and headed to her hair appointment. Ben and Ian went to get cigars for our beach trip. 

Ben picked up Buffalo's for dinner and when the boys got home, we ate, and called it a night. 

Friday, July 12th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ian and I went to pick up his truck from Quicklane, I came home to do a few things while Ian went to visit Grammy,  I got ready to head to the pool to celebrate a sweet 4 year olds birthday. 

But before we headed to the pool, look who got off the breathing machine. This boy amazes me every day with his strength. 

Pool days with these guys are always a favorite. 

Happy Birthday, Easton Michael! 

We got Easton this bug kit for his birthday and the boys loved finding bugs with it.  Hunter found a bug to big to be "vacuumed" up. 

We left the pool mid afternoon, I came home, dyed my hair, showered, brown ground beef, and then just chilled. The boys and I did make it to the back deck to listen to music and chill. Ella went to spend the night with a friend that was housesitting. 

We went to bed a little after 10PM. 

Saturday, July 13th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Boys to the course, Ella got home and then her and I headed to visit our favorite heart warrior. 

We love our Wild Man Dan. He is doing so well and was able to have his chest tubes removed. 

We got home, I dropped off Ella, I went to clean my car, fill up, and stop by Publix to get last minute things for my sister to come stay with the dogs. 

I got home, did a clean sweep, last minute laundry, cleaned out the fridge, did the floors, this blog post, packed, and called it a night. 

Oh but wait, Our AC went out the night before we were leaving for vacation.....

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