Monthly Goals | September 2024

Hey Y'all! Happy Friday.  Since it’s a new month, it's time for some new goals. 


1. Work on my Well Made Academy. Y'all know that I have joined WW several times and this time it is just not working for me so I joined Well Made Academy to learn to eat healthy and balance my blood sugar. 

2. Sourdough.  Whether it be bread, discard, subscription or any other recipe using my sourdough starter. 

3. Track 15 Workouts. I rejoined the gym and I love it. I am so happy to be back into a workout routine. 

4Read 3 Books. Last month I read 6 books. Let's hope for at least 3 more this month. I have read 37 books so far this year. 

5. Delete Pictures from my Phone. My phone currently has roughly 9,900 photos on it. That is insane and ridiculous. I hope to get it down to 9,500 pictures by the end of the month. 

6. Deep Clean the Storage Shed. I can't wait to decorate for Fall but I can't even get to my pumpkins right now. 


1. Bailey's Wedding. I can't believe it's finally wedding month. 

2. JoAnna's Wedding.  We are having a girls afternoon attending Ella's YL leaders wedding. 

3. Ian- Golf Tournament. Ian has his 2nd collegiate golf tournament in Tunica, MS. 

4. Celebrate 21 Years of Marriage. I am so thankful to celebrate 21 years with my best friend. Not sure what we are doing just yet. 

5. Celebrate Trixie's Birthday. Sweet Trixie will be 8 years old on the 15th. 

My Glittery Heart: 

1. Bar Cart. Football season is here and I can't wait to share the Bulldawg bar cart. 

2. Fall Decorations. I love this time of year and fall decorations are some of my favorites. 

3. Costco Favorites. Ben and I recently joined Costco and we have quickly starting have a few favorites. 

Oh My Glitter: 

1. Continue Sale. I am trying to clean out my stock. 

Now let's see how I did in A U G U S T......


✘1. Work on my Well Made Academy. Y'all know that I have joined WW several times and this time it is just not working for me so I joined Well Made Academy to learn to eat healthy and balance my blood sugar. 

✘2. Sourdough.  Whether it be bread, discard, or any other recipe using my sourdough starter. 

✔3. Track 15 Workouts. I rejoined the gym and I love it. I am so happy to be back into a workout routine. 

✔4Read 3 Books. Last month I read 3 books. Let's hope for at least 3 more this month. I have read 30 books so far this year. 

✔5. Delete Pictures from my Phone. My phone currently has roughly 10,672  photos on it. That is insane and ridiculous. I hope to get it down to 10,000 pictures by the end of the month. 

1/2 6. Deep Clean. I am planning on deep cleaning my whole house before Bailey's shower on the 25th. 

✔7. Spa Day. I am excited about my spa day coming up. It is much needed. 


✔1. Back to School. I can't believe it's time for Ian's sophomore year of college and Ella's Junior year of HS. 

✔2. Host the Annual JGO. We love hosting this golf tournament in memory of Ben's grandfather that now helps benefit Ella's golf team. 

✔3. Host Bailey's Bridal Shower. We love our Bailey and so excited to celebrate her. 

My Glittery Heart: 

✘1. Bar Carts. Bridal Shower and Bulldawg. 

✘2. Bridal Shower Gift. I have had a lot of fun buying items off Bailey's registry so I hope to put it all together in one post. 

✘3. Costco Favorites. Ben and I recently joined Costco and we have quickly starting have a few favorites. 

Oh My Glitter: 

1. Continue Sale. I am trying to clean out my stock. 

8 out of 14 isn't to bad! 

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