Our Week with Kathryn's Games, Ella being Sick, and Ben Winning his Tournament.

Hey Y'all! Happy Wednesday!  I hope your week is off to a great start.  I am recapping September 30th - October 6th. 

Monday, September 30th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella went to school (she dropped her DE classes) so she is back at Apalachee all day. Ian headed back to LaGrange. I did a clean sweep of the house, laundry, planner, meal plan, and made vegetable soup for dinner. We were all exhausted from our busy weekend. 

We found out that Kathryn's dad was in the hospital and my walking partner, Keri was also in the hospital. 

I did finish the old testament of the bible. 

We crashed pretty early! 

Tuesday, October 1st- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the office, Ella to school, and I enjoyed a slow morning. We learned that one of our friends dad unexpectedly passed away. I ran to Publix to pick up the stuff to make Ella's favorite pasta dish for dinner. 

As I was scrolling IG, I saw this story that Bailey shared from the wedding. Y'all look at them but please look at Ben. 

Later that evening, Ella went to play pickle ball with friends and I watched part of our BOE meeting on Youtube. 

Y'all this is the list of teams that showed up to our school on the day of the shooting to help. 


Once Ella was home, we all pretty much crashed. 

Wednesday, October 2nd- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to School. I read for a little bit and then I headed to Home Depot and Publix. I needed the ingredients to make dog food and a copycat CFA tortilla soup. 

I cleaned up the kitchen and then worked on 3 blog post. Ella is still only going to school 1/2 days so she was home around 1. She took a nap as I was blogging. Then we got ready and headed to watch Coach Kathryn. Her games started at 5PM. We had so much fun watching Coach Kathryn even though her team lost 😢. We also had so much fun hanging out with Kathryn's family. Look at Ella and Kathryn's niece, Charlie Kate. 

We got home and Ella wasn't feeling great so she took a shower, a benadryl, and crashed. I finished the dogs food, put up the soup, started the coffee for the next morning, and read a few chapters in my book before crashing. 

Thursday, October 3rd- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school. I started cleaning up the house, laundry, and I was getting a text from Ella that she felt really bad and wanted to check out. I went to check her out, she came home, and I went to grab her chicken noodle soup. I heated up her some soup and mini tacos for her. Got her settled and when she fell asleep, I got busy again. I finished cleaning house, more laundry, Halloween Bar Cart, Blog post, etc. 

Look at my sweet not feeling so well girl. I could tell she wasn't feeling great by looking at her eyes. 

Luckily she got lots of rest while I did all the things around the house.  Ben ended up going to the Falcons game, I crashed early, and Ella got a second wind and cleaned out her closet. 

Friday, October 4th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, I got ready and headed to have lunch with Ben and then to make a return at MOG. I got home chilled and then we headed to the Apalachee football game. 

Ian and Kathryn accepted an award for her sister and brother in law. 

and The Rock was at our game. 

I loved that The Rock spoke with our golf coach. 

Who Coach co-teached with and literally saved his life. 

We left a little after the 3rd quarter started. We got home, Ian went to stay with Kathryn, and Ben and I waited up until Ella got home. 

Saturday, October 5th- 

Ben and Ian played golf, I ran to Publix, Target, and Bath and Body Works, and Ella spelt in. 

I got home, started fixing food for the game, and watched GA beat Auburn starting at 3:30. 

This was Trixie and I by the end of the night. 


I also reminded my family that this time next month, we will have the Christmas tree up.

Sunday, October 6th- 

Ben went to play in a golf tournament, Ian headed back to LaGrange to then head to a golf tournament, Ella slept in, and I enjoyed a super slow morning. 

I did finally do a clean sweep, laundry, meal plan, and set up my planner for the week. Ella eventually got up cleaned up her room and bathroom including her fish tank. 

I finished watching OBX while blogging. 

Ben won his flight for the tournament and then went to watch part of Ian's practice round while Ella went to spend the night at Addison's. 

I finished this post, heated up wings for dinner, showered, and crashed. 

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