Our with with a Facial, Lunch Dates, and a GA Win.

Hey Y'all! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is off to a great start. I am recapping last week. October 28th-November 3rd. 

Monday, October 28th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the office, Ella to school, and then I had a 10am hair appointment. Grabbed Barberito's for lunch. Then I got home and started on my to do list. Ella went to YL and they had to dress up and the pictures she sent me had me rolling. 

I was cracking up! 

Once she got home, we all crashed. 

Tuesday, October 29th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, I went to workout at 8am. Then I headed to the spa for a facial and y'all it was AMAZING! 

I also had lunch at the spa. So good! 

I left the spa around 1pm, stopped by the house, and then went to my 2pm nail appointment. I got home and made dinner. Kathryn came over for dinner and carve pumpkins and to watch Dancing with the Stars. The girls made us judging paddles.  

Some of the Braves came to Ella's school to have lunch with the teachers and she got one of her teachers to record this video... 

Once DWTS was over, Kathryn went home and Ella and I crashed. Ben had been asleep for while. 

Wednesday, October 30th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, and then I walked with Keri. I got ready went to lunch at Legends, car wash, and Costco. I got home, unloaded, and then we headed to Addison's basketball madness. Like a prep rally for basketball. 

When I got to Legends, look where I parked....

Perks of giving birth to the mens club champion 2 years in a row! 😉

After the basketball fun, we got home and crashed. 

Thursday, October 31st- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, and then I went to workout and walk with Keri. 

I got ready, went to have lunch with Nicole, made Amazon returns, Publix, and Home Depot. 

When Ella got home, she chilled, and then headed to trick or treat in a nearby neighborhood while Ben and I stayed home to give out candy. We didn't have nearly the amount of trick or treaters that we are use to. 

When I ran into Home Depot, I sent this picture to the family text thread that the boys were not allowed to go to Home Depot this season because they would come home with one of these items... HA 

This is me!! 

Friday, November 1st- 

Ben to the office, coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school. I went to workout and then walk with Keri. I was finished with both around 10am so I started packing up Halloween decorations. Then I got ready and went to meet Talia for fajitas, margaritas, and shopping. After we shopped, I came home and Ella and I finished putting up Halloween decorations and brought in all the Christmas decorations. I made chicken nachos for dinner and then put up our Christmas tree.

Saturday, November 2nd- 

Coffee just tasted better by a Christmas tree. 

the guys went to play golf and I went to Publix to get the stuff to make several appetizers. 

Ben sent me these pictures of him with his most improved trophy. 

They got home, we chilled, watched the game, and oh my goodness. I crashed early after that game all while trying to keep tabs on Ella at a party. 

Sunday, November 3rd- 

Ella called me around 5am hurting so bad from starting so Ben and I went to pick her up at Addison's. I finally got her settled, guys went to the course and coffee and Jesus for me, I did a few things around the house, the guys got home, Ian packed up and headed back to school. I did get the Christmas tree decorated. 

So my wine that even was really great! 

Putting my Apalachee A on my tree this year felt a little heavy!! But it prompted me to pray for the lives lost and the victims. 

Ella went to dinner at her YL leaders house and when she got home, we all crashed! 

Cheers y'all!