Monthly Goals | February 2025

Hey Y'all! Happy Friday! Happy February! I meant to get this post up on Wednesday and I failed but I got it up today!! 

Let's start with F E B R U A R Y....


1. Track 10 days with Healthi. I am trying something different than WW. I am counting calories this go round. 

2. Track 10 Workouts. I am loving the gym. I am loving my trainer. I am loving my gym friends!

3. Read 3 Books. Last month I read 2 books. Let's hope for at least 3 more this month. My goal is 55 books again this year. I am already behind. 

4. Delete Pictures from my Phone. My phone currently has roughly 7,958 photos on it. That is insane and ridiculous. I hope to get it down to 7,700  pictures by the end of the month. 

5. Watch Sweet Magnolias. I can't wait to watch Season 4.  


1. Enjoy Winter Break with the Kids. Ella has a Winter Break. So hopefully Ian and I can do something fun with Ella because Ben leaves for Boston. 

2. Ella. Start Golf Season. It's her Junior year of golf. 

3. Ian. Start a new job. Ian is doing college online this semester so he needs to get a job. 

4. Ben. Boston and Vegas for work. Thankfully, he doesn't have to travel very often because I hate when he is gone. 

My Glittery Heart: 

1. National Homemade Soup.  I am recapping all my soups in one place. Hopefully, share an updated version or a new one. 

2. Valentine's Day Bart Cart. Y'all know I love the bar cart and I love to share it! 

3. National Drink Wine Day. Y'all know how much I love my wine and I am so thankful for a National Day for me to drink it! HA 

4. A Day in the Life. I love a good Day in the Life post and I can't wait to share our everyday life. 

Oh My Glitter: 

1. Decide on an image to add to Champagne Flutes. I have a lot of these in stock. I know they are popular for showers, bachelorette parties, etc. just not with glitter around the bottom anymore. 

2. Gift Tags. I hope to add a new item to the Etsy shop and gift tags seem really fun. 

Let's see how I did last month... 


X 1. Track 10 Workouts. I am loving the gym. I am loving my trainer. I am loving my gym friends! I only got 9

X 2Read 4 Books. Last month I read 6 books. Let's hope for at least 4 more this month. My goal is 55 books again this year.  I only read 1 

✔3. Delete Pictures from my Phone. My phone currently has roughly 7,958 photos on it. That is insane and ridiculous. I hope to get it down to 7,700  pictures by the end of the month. 

X 4. Deep Master Bath and Bedroom: TAKE 2! They both need a good deep clean. I did get my bathroom done. 

 X 5. Track My Food. I rejoined WW and then let my membership expire. It just wasn't serving me this time like a few years ago so I am going to start tracking with Healthi. Didn't even try. 

✔6. Spa Day for my 45th. Ben and the kids gave me a yearly subscription to the spa again for Christmas! I am so grateful. My first treatment is on Thursday for my birthday! 

✔7. Winterfest with Ben. His company doesn't have a Christmas party because the season is already crazy so they wait until January/February to have a Winterfest. It's so much fun. 


X 1. Get Back into a Routine. Ella goes back to school, Ian is hopefully starting college online, Ben has been at the office over break, and I hope to start a new adventure. Nope January was a weird month. 

✔2. Celebrate January Birthdays. It's mine, Duke, Colleen, and Laney Brooke's birthdays this month. 

My Glittery Heart: 

✔1. Celebrate 9 Years. I can't believe I am celebrating 9 years of this little space. I still remember when it was just a dream. 

X 2. Share Favorite Workout Items. I have several items that I love and I hope to share with y'all. 

✔3. Meal Prep Items. I use to meal prep like a champ and I hope to get back to it this month and share the items I love with y'all. 

X 4. Recipe Club. Johannah and I use to host recipe club every month years ago and now Holly and I are bringing it back this year. It will be the 3rd Wednesday of the month. I just couldn't add anything else to my plate. 

Oh My Glitter: 

✔1. Continuing Running a Sale. I have my already made wine glasses deeply discounted in my Etsy Shop. 

X 2. Start Making New Items. When I was cleaning out my Craft Room Closet, I took inventory and I know what I have available to make. 

X 3. Start Photographing Already Made Items. Again when I was cleaning out the closet, I made a list of items that I already had made and need to list to sell. 

January was such an odd month so about half checkmarks. I am calling that a win. 

Here are some pictures..... 

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