Our Week with Ben Gone, Ella to the Capital, and The Blazer Cup.

Hey Y'all! Happy Monday! I am recapping last week and weekend. 

Monday, February 17th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella was out of school for Presidents Day, I went to workout, and then Ian met me at Quicklane to drop off my car to get new tires. We got home, I ran to Publix, got home and unloaded, started Taco Soup for dinner, and dog food for the week. I then drove to the Snellville Target to pick up another set of our comforter because I needed to have our current one dry cleaned. So I like to have an extra one which at one point I did but the dry cleaner by our house tagged mine wrong and gave it to someone else and they didn't return it or say "hey that's not mine" so needless to say I am trying a new dry cleaners. 

I got home, did a clean sweep of the house, computer work, and Ben called to tell me he was boarding his flight to Boston. 

Ella went to a Galentine's that night, Ian hung out with Hunter and they went fishing, we had taco soup for dinner, and once both kids were home, I CRASHED! 

I sent this picture of Trixie in the family group chat. I love when her ears flips up. 

Tuesday, February 18th- 

Ben woke up in Boston, I slept in until Ella needed to be up to get ready to be at the PDC to take a bus to the Capital for FFA Day. 

I got ready and headed to the Mall of GA. I went to PF Changs for lunch and then started shopping for our upcoming trip to the Keys. I got a few things but hope to go back the week before we leave. 

That evening, Ian and Kathryn went to her sisters to give her nephew, Mason this sweet little golf club that Ian cut down for him. 

Look at that smile. Mason calls Ian "Uncle E" Mason wants to play golf like Uncle E. 

I was full from lunch and Ella ate a late lunch so she had cereal for dinner and then when Ian got home I crashed. The kids stayed up much later. 

Wednesday, February 19th- 

Ben was still in Boston, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, and I went to workout form 8-9. I got home, took a cool shower, and then curled up back in my chair. It was raining and I had no motivation. 

I read a lot and did end up cleaning our bathroom, bedroom, and the main level. 

Ian and Kathryn went to drop off her car to be repainted, her sisters house, and then her moms house. Ella went to an early dinner with the girls and then to the boys basketball game for the first round of state. 

The kids got home and I crawled into bed and stalked Ben's flight. 

Ben finally pulled into our driveway at 11:20 pm. I had a hard time falling back to sleep after he got home and we talked for a little bit. 

Thursday, February 20th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, I went to workout from 8-9 and then to Publix. I got home, showered, read, laundry, and started working on the computer. Ella's golf practice got cancelled again due to weather. Ian and I went to the Cigar store for Ben and grabbed lunch. We got home, I did a few more things, and then Ben was calling to say he was on his way home. He got home, Ella got home, Ben packed, and then him and Ian headed to Valdosta for the night. Ella and I hung out at home and ate Jersey Mike's that she picked up on her way home from school. 

I put together my desk chair and finished Friday's blog post.  I did a few more things around the house, curled up on the couch, and crashed by 9:15. The boys got to Valdosta around 9:45. 

Friday, February 21st- 

Ben and Ian were in Valdosta to play in the Blazer Cup. I got Ella up, made her lunch and water bottle, then I curled up in my chair for coffee and Jesus after I fed the dogs and gave them their medicine. 

Around 8:30, I emptied the dish washer, started more dog food, started a load of laundry, made my bed, and then got ready to head to yoga that started at 10:30. After yoga, I went to lunch at Legends, Target, and then home. I fed the dogs, worked on this post, and Ella headed to Addison's because they were going to Milledgeville for the weekend. I took a bath, had some wine, and waited for my boys to get home. I crashed before they got home around 9:40. Once Ben was in bed, I curled up on his chest and he said I was back asleep and snoring in no time. 

With yoga and a warm bubble bath....I was like mush. 

Saturday, February 22nd- 

My boys headed to the course, Ella was in Milledgeville, and I curled up in my chair for coffee and Jesus time. Then I read my kindle for awhile. I did finally change my clothes but that was about it. Ben and I went to Tacos and Beer for dinner. We got home, Ian was doing laundry, Ben went to lay in the bed, and I curled up on the couch after getting coffee ready for Sunday morning, dogs there medicine and let them potty. 

Sunday, February 23rd- 

Ben and Ian to the Course, Ella was still in Milledgeville, and I got ready to head to church. It was a great message. 

I went to Legends for lunch, stopped by Publix, and then home to start laundry and a clean sweep of the house. I finished up this blog post and more laundry. For dinner, I made sandwiches and buffalo chicken wraps. 

I finished more laundry, set up my planner for the week, grocery list, gathered trash and took it to the street, washed my makeup brushes, and finally called it a night!! 

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