But for today, it's a new month which equals new G O A L S!

Before we talk about November goals let's see how well I did in October.
IP-1. Complete 2-3 items off the Home Improvement List. Everything left on the list is very time consuming or cost a lot more money than we want to spend right now.
✔2. Intentionally Celebrate my People. YES! I have been trying to add fun things to celebrate my people.
IP-3. Continue working on deleting/organizing photos on my phone. I am still working on this task.
✘4. Complete the #last90days challenge with Rachel Hollis for this month. NOPE! I did some but not everything.
✔5. Have lunch with a friend. YES! and we did a Lip Demo
✔1. Celebrate Ella's 12th Birthday. Yes and you can read about it here.
✔2. Enjoy Fall Break. Oh yes and read about it here
✔3. Work on Fall Bucket List. YEP and we are still working on it!
✔4. Celebrate Halloween. We sure did but I have no pictures to prove it. #olderkids
My Glittery Heart:
✔1. Share Halloween Bar Cart.
✔2. Share Halloween Coffee Cart.
✔3. Share Hocus Pocus ideas. Yes and you can see them here.
✔4. Share Halloween Charcuterie Board.
✔5. Plan content for November & December. Yes! and some changes are coming in January.
✘6. Work on email list. NOPE! and I have no plans to even think about this task for the rest of the year.
✔7. Work on & Share post on Pinterest. Yes! I have made it a point to share on Pinterest.
Oh My Glitter:
✘1. Sign up for a festival. NOPE! I have one in mind for the Winter but I'm just not sure if I want to or not.
✔2. Promote items on Pinterest. Yes! I have made it a point to share on Pinterest.
✘3. Work on email list. NOPE! and I have no plans to even think about this task for the rest of the year.
✔4. Share items on Pinterest. Yes! I have made it a point to share on Pinterest.
✔5. Decide on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday Sale. Yes and I am excited to share in a couple of weeks.
✔6. Share November's Monthly Monogram Club. YES and you can see it here. I will share December's when I get back from Aruba.
Senegence: I know you may be wondering why I am adding something else to my plate but y'all I TRULY love the products and what they have done for my face so I can't wait to share them with y'all. I PROMISE not to just talk about these products. The blog will still continue to be a place where I share our family memories, outfits, recipes, with a little bit of glitter and Senegence thrown in. 😉
✘1. Make 5 sales. I made 4! dang it.
✔2. Host a Demo Day. YES! I met 2 girls for lunch for a lip demo!
✔3. Share my FAVORITE products. Yes, I did my first IG story where I was talking!
Now let's look at N O V E M B E R Goals.
1. Enjoy Aruba with Ben.
2. Keep celebrating my people.
3. Continue working on deleting/organizing photos on my phone.
4. Get my Christmas Shopping list organized.
5. Start thinking about 2020 Goals.
1. Plan Ian's 15th birthday celebration.
2. Work on Fall Bucket List.
3. Celebrate Thanksgiving.
4. Watch Ian in his TOUR championship.
My Glittery Heart:
1. Share Cranberry Recipe.
2. Aruba Recap.
3. Bucket List Update
4. Blogging Break
Oh My Glitter:
1. Pray for sales to pick up.
2. Attend "Enjoy the Holiday Days"
3. Host Black Friday Sale.
1. Share bundle packages.
2. Show a before and after.
3. Share more on IG stories.
It's going to be a busy month but I'm excited to work toward these goals.
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