1. Continue gym schedule. I have really been making my gym time a priority and with summer here I do not want to get off track.
2. Work on Master Home Improvement List. I hope to get at least 3 things marked off and a plan for a few other pricy repairs.
3. Girls Weekend in Savannah. Bailey wants Ella and I to join her and Leigh Anne for a weekend in Savannah since she wasn't able to plan a Senior trip.
4. Enjoy a day at the pool ALL ALONE. Sometimes mama just needs a minute.
5. Plan a Spa trip with Talia. We both got gift cards for Christmas and I think it is time to spend them.
6. Plan a date night/overnight trip with Ben. We are well overdue for a date night.
1. Watch Ian in a golf tournament. He has a few tournaments this month. Ella and I don't go to all of them but we hope to watch him compete at least twice.
2. Try a new recipe. I need to break out of the same ol same ol dinners.
3. Plan a different beach trip. We are looking into going to the beach with The Boswell's in July so we need to get that planned ASAP.
4. Celebrate Father's Day. We enjoy loving on our favorite guy.
My Glittery Heart:
1. Share Red, White, and Blue table. I am loving all the goodies I found in the Target hotspot.
2. Share Red, White, and Blue outfits & jewelry. I am loving all the patriotic colors right now.
3. Share 4 of my favorite personal development books. I didn't get that post up last month so I hope to get 2 post up this month.
Oh My Glitter:
1. Just keep sharing my new designs. Summer is really hard for me to work with the kids home because we like to go to the lake, pool, golf course, etc. so I kinda of let my shop take to the back burner during June.
1. Share new shadowsense. Lots of new shadowsense colors have come out lately so I hope to share a new look.
2. Try an Ombre' Lip. I have seen a few distributors share an Ombre' lip and it looks so cool!
1. Share new shadowsense. Lots of new shadowsense colors have come out lately so I hope to share a new look.
2. Try an Ombre' Lip. I have seen a few distributors share an Ombre' lip and it looks so cool!
Now let's see how I did last month...
✘1. Schedule an appointment with an Allergist. My allergies are out of control. I know it is pollen season and I take allergy medicine everyday even more than once a day sometimes. Between sneezing all the time and my stomach issues, I think an appointment with an allergist is necessary.
I am not to the point where I can stay off of allergy medicine for 7 days to get accurate results.
✔2. Schedule my first mammogram. I had a mammogram scheduled before #rona hit but of course it got canceled so now I need to reschedule that appointment.
I actually went yesterday.
✔3. Hopefully get back to the gym. Fingers crossed my gym opens back up soon.
I go every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am.
✘4. Work on Master Home Improvement List. I hope to get at least 5 things marked off the list but I just keep adding to it!
Again, we are to the pricy projects so they are going to have to come when we budget for them.
✔5. Get a Manicure and Pedicure. I haven't been to the nail salon since March 14th. Nail salons are slowly opening back up around my house and I hope by the end of the month to get a mani/pedi (especially before the beach)
It was fantastic and I have another appointment on Friday.
✔1. End the School Year. I'm so ready for school to be over and to be able to just enjoy summer.
Thank the good LORD above this school year is over. Both kids got great report cards.
✘2. Go to the BEACH. We have a beach trip planned at the end of the month. Luckily, the condo we are staying at is a friends so we don't have to worry about canceling if we don't end up getting to go.
Our trip got canceled a week before we were suppose to leave.
✔3. Celebrate Mother's Day. Right now we don't have any plans for Sunday and that's ok with me.
I enjoyed a morning ALL TO MYSELF.
✘4. Try a new recipe. I am loving Magnolia Table Volume 2 and I want to try a few of her recipes.
I have not been great at meal planning and prepping. I do need to work on that.
✔5. Celebrate Memorial Day. I feel like Memorial Day is a great kickoff to SUMMER.
We had a fantastic weekend.
✔6. Enjoy a Day on the Lake. Y'all know how much we love being on the water.
We enjoyed a day and a weekend.
My Glittery Heart
✘1. Share my everyday coffee cart. I always share how I decorate the coffee cart for holidays but I don't think I have shared how it is decorated just for everyday use.
Instead I shared my Popcorn Cart.
✔2. Share my Dining Room Table set-up. I am loving my simple set up right now and I hope you do too!
I love how simple yet functional it turned out!
✔3. Share my Red, White, and Blue Decor. I generally leave up our Patriotic decor all summer long!
Here is my red, white, and blue bar cart
✘4. Share 2 more of my Favorite self-development books. I share these 2 last month.
I didn't get that post up in May but I do have it scheduled for next Tuesday.
Oh My Glitter
✘1. Try to plan a Summer Sip & Shop. Dang you #rona
I didn't even think about this.
✔2. Share all the Red, White, and Blue. I have several new items in the shop so I just need to keep sharing them on social media.
I love all the new designs.
✘1. Share a Patriotic Look. I have a few looks in mind, Let's see if I can make it look somewhat good!
I barely wore makeup last month much less try a new look.
✘2. Try an Ombre' Lip. I have seen a few distributors share an Ombre' lip and it looks so cool!
See above answer.
Just for fun here are a few pictures...
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