Our Week with Reaching 2,000 sales, Trixie's Birthday, and a Football Party.

Happy Monday Y'all!! I hope y'all had a great weekend. I am recapping last week and weekend.





Monday, September 11th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Remembering all those who lost their lives on 9/11. Took Ella to school and then came back home to get a workout in. Worked on an Etsy order, laundry, and a few other household chores. 


I sent this to our family group text. We love our Trixie Roo. 



It was Adam Sandler night at Young Life. 


Tuesday, September 12th- 


Coffee, Jesus, Ella to school, home to work out, finish order, work on another order, pick up jars, Publix, schedule a package pick up, made photo booth props, pick up Ella, home, made fajitas for dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, shower, and bed. 

Wednesday, September 13th- 


Coffee, Jesus, Ella to school, home to work out,  packed up an order and noticed I had hit 2,000 sales! 



I did laundry, type out a blog post, more house things, picked up Ella, and she put together centerpieces for The Oasis anniversary celebration on Thursday. 


Then Ella and I went to dinner at El Real and went to Kathryn's game to watch her Coach. 


I saw this and sent it to LA. It's ME! 



Thursday, September 14th- 


Coffee, Jesus, Ella to school, home to get ready, and head to The Oasis 1 year celebration. 

Ella's centerpieces. 


I picked up Ella and we chilled for a little bit then I took her and Aubrey to the JV football game. When I got back, Ben and I just chilled, I showered, and waited for Ella to get home. Once she was home, we crashed. 


Friday, September 15th- 


Coffee, Jesus, Ella to school, home to workout, cleaned house, Target, and Publix, and picked up Ella. When we got home, we sang Happy Birthday to Trixie and made her a pup cup. She loved it.



I took Ella to Addison's, came home, put up the groceries, made salsa, grilled chicken for dinner, boys and Kathryn got home, we ate, and then chilled. 

Trixie partied to hard. HA 


 We all crashed shortly after this picture. 


Saturday, September 16th-  

When Ian got home Friday evening, he left all the laundry so I spent Saturday morning doing his laundry! 😏

Ella went to tailgate at the GA game with friends. The boys went to practice at the course, while I worked out and got ready for friends to come over for a day of football viewing. 

LA and Brett got to my house and sweet Brett made us duck poppers! They were AMAZING!! He really is his fathers child. 


Brett just loves us! 

One of our favorite girls. 


LA's face is cracking me up! 

LOVE LOVE these people! 


Got the kitchen cleaned up and CRASHED! 


Sunday, September 17th- 

 Coffee, Boys went to the course, Ella went to lunch with a friend. Boys got home and we ordered lunch! I cleaned house, did all the laundry, and got Ian ready to head back to school. I grilled steaks for dinner while Ben got Ian's new laptop set up for school. Ian left around 7:30 to go back to LaGrange. I got everything "closed" for the evening,  finished this post, read, and fell fast asleep ready for a new week!! 





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