Our Week with a Wreath Making Class, Thanksgiving, and a Georgia WIN!

Happy Tuesday Y'all! I hope your week is off to a great start. I am back to recap last week! 

Monday, November 20th- 

Coffee and Jesus! I got busy cleaning the house, washing our sheets, and doing all the laundry. Ella and I got ready and went to a wreath making class with Leigh Anne, Bailey, and G. 

Ella left before pictures to head to Addison's basketball game. 

After the class, I met Ben, Ian, and Kathryn at Friends for dinner. 

Tuesday, November 21st- 

Coffee and Jesus and a slow start to the morning! 

I did get ready and ran all the errands. I did a little Christmas shopping, ran to Honey Baked Ham, Striplings, and Publix. Then Ian, Kathryn, and I met Ben at the Mall of Georgia for some shopping, dinner at PF Changs, and then we went to Putt Nation for putt-putt. Ella went with her friends to dinner and the movies for Friendsgiving. 

Wednesday, November 22nd- 

Coffee and Jesus. Then I had a hair appointment at 9:15. I ran to Target and ran into my sweet friend, Hannah, that moved to Nashville a few years ago. After Target, I ran back to The Bistro to pick up our Thanksgiving dinner. 
When I got home and got everything put away, I made banana nut bread and did all the things to get ready for Thanksgiving. 
We ordered pizza for dinner and called it a night. 

Thursday, November 23rd- Thanksgiving

Coffee and rolling out all the sausage balls. I was able to sit down for about 30 minutes before I had to start getting ready to head to my mom's and watched the parade and look who I spotted!! Annie F. Downs. 

One of our local high schools competition cheer team was in the Macys Thanksgiving day parade. So exciting. 

We picked up my brother in law for my sister and then we were at my moms by 11:30. 

Love my people. 

My sister. 

Ryker and Hunter. 

Love these sweet boys.

We left my moms around 2:30 to head home to celebrate Thanksgiving with Grammy, Chris, and Kathryn. 

I love my table. 

We ate the dinner that I warmed up from The Bistro and it was delicious. After dinner, I cleaned up while they played monopoly. I will not play monopoly because it never ends and it gets heated in this house! HA 

Friday, November 24th- 

Coffee and Jesus. The boys headed to the course while Ella slept in. I enjoyed a slow morning. I headed up to my craft room to work on blog post planning and blog post, meal planned and made my grocery list, and I updated my Christmas list. 

It was rivalry week at the golf course, as well, as college football and look at my guys outfits. 


Then it was time to get ready for family pictures at the golf course. 

Katie sent me these sneak peeks and I am in LOVE.....

I LOVE them. 

Once we got home, I ordered dinner and my gang headed to the Buford/Grayson football game for the second round of the playoffs while I curled up on the couch with wine and Hallmark. 

Saturday, November 25th- 

Coffee and Jesus. My guys headed back to the course, Ella slept in, and I enjoyed another slow morning. 
Then Ella and I went to Target, she went to Ulta while I went to Home Goods and Publix. I got home,  unloaded the groceries, and then worked on a blog post. 

I made mexican for dinner and we enjoyed the Georgia game and we WON!! 

Trixie enjoyed the heater. 

After the game, we all crashed. 

Sunday, November 26th- 

Coffee and then we were off to breakfast at Legends and to the Mall of Georgia to shop for Ella jeans. 

We got home around 2:00, I did a few things, and then Ian, Kathryn and I headed to a permanent jewelry party while Ella headed to her hair appointment. 

Look at Ian and Kathryn's bracelets

I hung out at the party until Ella got there and look at our matching bracelets. 

I love my girl. 

After the party, we met The Smith's at El Real for dinner. Ian headed back to LaGrange then we all crashed once we were all home. 

Cheers to another week! 

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