Our Week with Golf, Pool, and Being Lazy.

Happy Tuesday Y'all! I hope your week is off to a great start. I am recapping last week and weekend. 

Monday, May 20th- 

Ben to the office, I enjoyed my coffee and Jesus, then to the gym from 8:00-9:00. Ella went to school for 2nd and 3rd period. 
Ian went to the golf course. Keri and I walked. I did a few things around the house, then Ella came home, changed clothes and we headed to the golf course to met the guys. 

Nothing like wine in a styrofoam cup! HA 


We got home and ate tacos for dinner. I cleaned up the kitchen, worked on a blog post, and crashed. 

Tuesday, May 21st- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me. Ella went to school for 3rd period. Ian and I went to help my sister move some stuff to her new place, then Ian went to Legends, and I got home for Ella and I to run to Dick's because I needed new workout tanks. When we got home, I got the call that my car was finished so I went to pick it up. The kids went fishing for a little bit and I started dinner. We had Catalina chicken and dirty rice. 

Wednesday, May 22nd- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, I went to workout, got home, Ella went to school for 2nd period and was out of school for the SUMMER by 11:45. Ian went to the golf course. 

Once she headed to school, I went to run errands- gas, car wash, and Target. Once Ella got home, she went shopping with a few friends. Ian and Kathryn went out for the evening, Ella went to get pedicures and dinner with Bailey, and Ben and I just chilled. 

Thursday, May 23rd- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella and Ian went to play golf, I went to the gym and walked with Keri. 

I got home and cleaned up the house, laundry, and blog post. Ella got me to go to Target with her looking AWFUL. 

I can't remember what we did that evening ( I didn't write it down in my planner) 😕 except curling up on the couch with Trixie. 

Friday, May 24th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, I worked out from 8-8:30 at the gym and then walked with Keri. Ben headed to Legends. 

I got home, showered, and Ella and I had nail appointments. She went off with friends, I went to lunch, Striplings, and Publix. 

We got home, I did some computer work, napped, and then we headed to Kate's graduation party. We got home and crashed. 

Saturday, May 25th- 

My gang headed to the golf course, Coffee and Jesus for me, I got up headed to Target for a return and wanted to go to the pool but the weather had other plans. I picked up chick fil a for lunch. Got home and was LAZY. Ben and Ella came home early because of the weather and Ian took Kathryn to the airport to fly to California to visit her sister. 

This was my view at almost 2PM. 

We finally got up and moving. Colleen, Chris, and Emma came over for the evening for a low country boil. 

We played a few games and then everyone left. I finished cleaning up, got in my pj's, and curled up on the couch. 

Sunday, May 26th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben and the kids headed to Legends, I enjoyed a slow morning, did a few things around the house, and then headed to the pool. My gang met me at the pool once they finished playing. We hung out for a little bit longer and then all headed home. We chilled, the boys headed to PGA Superstore, then we grilled burgers for dinner. We hung out on the back deck for a little bit and all showered and crawled into bed. 

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