Our Week with Dog Sitting, Ella's First Day of Work, and The Lake Again.

Hey Y'all! Happy Tuesday. I am trying to catch up on our weekly recaps. I am recapping last week and this weekend. 

Monday, June 3rd- 

Ben to the office, I enjoyed a quick coffee and Jesus before heading to my 8am class at the gym. I went to Publix after the gym, then it was home to clean house, do all the laundry, and water my plants. I worked on blog post, fixed chicken fettuccine for dinner, Ella went to spend the night with Addison, Ian went to Kathryn's for the night, Ben played 9 holes at Legend's so I was solo for a while. We both crashed. 

Tuesday, June 4th- 

I got up, coffee and Jesus, then got ready to head to the gym, Ben slept in since he was working on installs locally. After the gym, I went through the car wash, Target, and then met Ian at Quick Lane to drop off his truck to be serviced. 

Ella went to her 11am job interview. When she got home and we all ate lunch, I cleaned up, cooked dinner- bbq chicken, baked potatoes, and pasta salad. Then I rode with Ella to The Boswell's for LA to french braid Ella's hair. 

We got home and pretty much crashed. 

Wednesday, June 5th- 

Ben to the office, Ian and I took his truck back to Quick Lane, then home to fix breakfast, and I then took Ella's picture for her first day of work. 

As I went through my morning, I noticed that Little Cat (next door cat, that we are feeding this week) was just driving the dogs crazy! HA 

The rest of the day, we dropped Ian off at Legends, Kathryn and I went to the pool, stayed about an hour before the thunder and rain moved through, we stopped by Publix, then home to shower, and work on blog post. I made spaghetti for dinner. Ella and I ate when she got home and then the boys ate when they got home. 

I blogged a little more and then settled in to read for a little bit. 

But look who I got to love on....

Little Cat. 

Thursday, June 6th- 

I was up most of the night with my stomach hurting so bad, so I didn't go to the gym. Ben and Ella went to work, Ian went to wash his truck, and I enjoyed a slow morning before emptying the dishwasher, starting laundry, and cleaning up for the day. I got ready and headed to my 10:45am nail appointment. Afterwards, Ella had gotten off work early so I picked her up and we headed to the Mall to get her some clothes for work. I dropped her off at home and ran to Publix to get everything for the lake. Got home, unloaded, and started packing for the lake. 

the kids went to play pickle ball got home around 10:30 and we all crashed. 

Friday, June 7th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ben to the office, and then I headed to work out at 8-9am. I got home, showered, packed, and Ian loaded the car to head to the lake. 

Myself, Ian, and Kathryn met LA at Striplings to pick up a few things before heading to the lake. We got to there lake house around 12:30. We unloaded, unpacked, got settled, and waited for the others to arrive. 

Ben, Ella, and Rob got there around 4:30. Brett and Bailey got to the lake later that evening and by 9pm we were chasing airplanes....

It was so cool!! 

Saturday, June 8th- 

Some went fishing, some slept in, and some enjoyed a slow morning. But before 11AM, we were on the boat. 


Bailey and Matt. 

Ian and Kathryn. 

Ian and Matt. 

This boy is loving all the fishing. 

Matt, Bailey, Ella, and Kathryn. 

Love these 2. 

Friends who are more like family. 

Working on outlining the new golf hole they hope Rob has built at the lake. 

While these 2 were watching. HA 

Some nighttime fishing. 

Sunday, June 9th- 


Some went fishing, some slept in, and some enjoyed a slow morning.

But the girls wanted to tube again before we left. 

We ate lunch, cleaned up, packed up, and we heading home by 1:30. Got home around 3:30, unloaded, unpacked, showered, Ella headed to a hair appointment, home by 6:15. We watched a movie, Ella went to hang out with friends, home by 9:30 and we literally crashed. 

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