Our Week with a Hair Appointment, Lazy Days, Dogs Grooming Appointment, and ONE Picture.

Hey Y'all! Happy Monday! I hope y'all had a great weekend.  I am recapping last week and this weekend and guess what, apparently so boring I only have one picture to show for it. HA 

Monday, June 10th- 

Ben to the office, Ella to work, I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time. I worked out from 8-9 and then headed to my 9:15 hair appointment. Ian went to the golf course. After my hair appointment, I went to help my sister plant a few pots from plants from the funeral. I stopped by Publix on my way home. I got home, unloaded groceries, did a few things around the house. Everyone started getting home and I tried a new recipe. Honey Lime Chicken and we did not like it at all. 

I cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and crashed. Ella spent the night out with friends. 

Tuesday, June 11th- 

Ben to the office, Ella was off, and I went to walk with Keri. I got finished with my walk, showered, and pretty much had a lazy day. I watched movies, did a few things in the craft room. Ella was hanging out with friends and they went shopping. 

I made catalina chicken for dinner. Cleaned the kitchen, showered, read, and crashed. Ian had spent the night at Kathryn's house. 

Wednesday, June 12th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ben had installs locally, Ella slept in, and I went to workout from 8-9am and when I got home- Keri and I walked our 2 miles. 

Ben and Ian left around 9:45 to head for a practice round a little over an house away for the USAM qualifier. 

Ella and I went to lunch at Longhorn's at 11:30 because she had to go to work at 1:30.  I got home and did all the things....

Clean sweep of the house
Clean my makeup brushes
Blog post
Set up my planner
Etsy Orders
Place Amazon Orders 

Ella and I ate leftovers for dinner and the boys stopped at Mad Italian on there way home to wait out traffic. Once they got home, Ian headed to bingo with Kathryn's family. We all crashed. 

Thursday, June 13th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the office, I went to Ladies-RX at 7:30 and Ella went to work. Once I got home, Keri and I walked our 2 miles and Ian went to fish and practice. 

This is the only picture I have from last week. The fish that Ian caught. 

I made tacos for dinner and then Ella headed to her friends house to house/dog sit. 

Friday, June 14th- 

Ben to the office, Ella was off, and I took the dogs to the groomer, Keri and I walked our 2 miles, I picked the dogs up from the groomer, got home, showered, and headed to Ben's office. I met Ella and Aubrey there. We played with one of Ben's co-workers puppies that she brings to the office on Fridays. 
We went to lunch and I headed to the pool. Ella headed back to the house she was house sitting for to drop off Aubrey and then met me, Kathryn, and Tonya at the pool. The girls left around 3 and 3:30. Talia and I left around 4:30. I got ready and Ben and I headed to Latin Flavors around 5:30ish. We had dinner at the bar. Ella went back to LB's and Ian and Kathryn went to dinner at Chipotle. 
Ian took Kathryn home, Ben and I got home, and we all chilled. I talked to my sister for a while and then crashed. 

Saturday, June 15th- 

Ben and Ian to the golf course, Ella met them there. I enjoyed my slow morning, washed and chopped veggies and fruit, cleaned Ella's fish tanks, did 2 loads of laundry, finished one book and started another one. I got ready and headed to the pool to met Tonya and Kathryn. 

Once my gang was finished with golf they met us at the pool. We enjoyed the water since it was so HOT. 

We left the pool around 4:30. Ella went back to housesit, Ian got home, showered, and went to hang out with Kathryn and her dad. 

I made Ben and I sandwiches for dinner and we watch Murder Mystery 2. We watched the Olympic qualifiers, and then crashed. Ian got home around 12:15. 

Sunday, June 16th- Father's Day. 

Ben and Ian to the golf course and again, Ella met them there. I was enjoying my slow morning of reading and catching up on my reading when I realized the AC unit was off. This has happened before and the tray under the unit in the attic feels was water and we have to suck it out. Luckily, Kathryn had spent the night with us and she helped me suck out the water and the unit came back on. Thank goodness. 

Kathryn left to be with her dad and I ran to Publix to get a few things to grill out for Father's Day. 

Once my gang got home, We grilled chicken, kielbasa, dirty rice, corn, fruit, and veggies. 

I cleaned up, Ian headed next door to hang out, Ben finished watching golf, and Ella cleaned her room, unpacked, and headed to pick up a friend to spend the night. 

I worked on this post and got everything ready for a new week. 

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