Our Week with Getting Back from Vacation, Seeing Twisters, Ella's First Date, and A Couple's Shower.

Hey Y'all! Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Ours was a great one. I am recapping last week and this weekend. 

Monday, July 22nd- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ben to the office. The kids slept in and had a slow morning of cleaning their rooms and bathrooms. 
I went to work out and to walk 2 miles with Keri!! Afterwards, I got busy cleaning the rest of the house and more laundry. 

Later, Ella went to hang out with friends and Ian went to run a few things to Grammy for me. 

Everyone got home, we ate, chilled, showered, and crashed. 

Tuesday, July 23rd- 

Ben to the office and I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time while I waited for the fridge repair guy. Luckily, it was an easy fix. 

I went to run a few errands, grab lunch, and my nail appointment at 2PM. I got home did a little work on the computer before going to a FFA meeting at 6PM. 

I got home a little after 8PM and curled up on the couch. 

While I was gone, Ben and Ella wen to eat mexican and Ian and Kathryn hung out! 

Wednesday, July 24th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the Office, Ella to Lake Lanier Waterpark with The Smith's. I went to workout and to walk with Keri. 

When I got home, I worked in the craft room. It needed to be cleaned. I worked on a blog post and my blog planner. Of course, I did more laundry! HA 

Ella spent the night at The Smith's, Ian went fishing with his buddy, Hunter. I showered and curled up on the couch for a little bit. I wasn't feeling great and was in bed and asleep by 7:45. 

Thursday, July 25th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the Office, Ian to the golf course, I went to drop the dogs off at the groomers, and then to work out. 
Ella picked up the pups for me on her way home from Addison's. While Keri and I walked our 2 miles. 

I got home, ready, and headed to Ella's 11:30 eye doctor appointment. Dropped her off, emptied the dishwasher, and then Ian, Kathryn, and I went to see the new Twisters movie. Y'all it was really good. 

While we were in the movie, this is the picture Ella sent me of Trixie.

We got back, I dropped them off, ran back to Publix for a handful of things. Ian went to watch Kathryn play in an alumni volleyball tournament. Ella got ready and went on her first official date. The guy picked her up, they went to CFA for dinner, went to see Twisters, and brought her home. He even paid for :) When he picked her up, he got out of his truck, introduced himself to Ben and I and even shook our hands. Gotta love a good Southern boy.

I showered and curled up on the couch to way for the kids to get home. 

Friday, July 26th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the Office,  Ian to the golf course, and Ella went to pick up her parking pass before packing and heading to the lake with The Smith's. 

I went to met Colleen to drop her off to get her bus for the new school year, before stopping back by the house to eat something and getting to my 11:30 hair appointment. 

I came home, worked on setting up my planner for the week and meal planning for the upcoming week. 

Later that evening, Ben and Kathryn went to eat with her family while Ben and I went to eat at Latin Flavors for date night. 

We went up to the rooftop and look at this sky....

Saturday, July 27th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me while Ben watched some of the Olympics. We got ready and started our drive to Alabama for Bailey and Matt's Couple Shower. We stopped at Truett's Chick Fil A Grill for lunch. It was fun to watch Ian and Kathryn sit down at a CFA and get served. I enjoyed Chicken noodle soup, a grilled cheese, and a side salad.

We got to the shower around 1:45. 

Love these 2 so much. They got a lot of good gifts. 

On our way home, we stopped by PGA Superstore and Willy's for dinner. We got home and just chilled the rest of the evening. 

Sunday, July 28th- 

Ben, Ian, and Kathryn headed to the golf course. Kathryn was just going to ride. While I enjoyed a super slow morning of coffee and Jesus. I did start cleaning and ran to Publix for a sub for lunch. I did all the laundry and finished cleaning up! I typed up this blog post, Ben got home after he picked up Zaxby's, Ella got home from the lake and showered and started getting ready for her last week before starting school on Thursday. :( Ian and Kathryn went to run a few errands for Kathryn. 

Once we were all home, I showered and curled up on the couch!! 

Cheers to a new week and Going Back to School. Which we are not ready for....

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