Our Week with Tonya's Birthday and Leaving for the Beach.

Happy Wednesday Y'all! How is your week going so far? We are hanging in there from being gone part of the week and a holiday week! We were so off any routine. 

I am recapping June 24th-June 30th. 

Monday, June 24th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to work, I went to the gym 8-9, then walked a mile with Keri. Ian and Kathryn went to babysit her nieces and nephews. Then they eventually went fishing. 

I went to my nail appointment at 11am, grabbed lunch at Chick-fil-a and went to the grocery store. 

unloaded everything, did a clean sweep, picked up Duke's medicine, and started dinner. I made ritz chicken. 

I eventually cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and crashed. 

This is where Trixie spent most of her day....

Tuesday, June 25th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, I wen to the gym, and Ella headed to work. I walked 2 miles with Keri and Ian headed to fish and to hang out at Walt's house. Ella worked a 1/2 day and then to play golf with Aubrey riding. 

We left around 5:15 to head to Gringo's in Jefferson to celebrate my sisters birthday. 

It sucks missing a part of our family. We miss Stacey so much. 

We got home and chilled before climbing into bed. 

Wednesday, June 26th- Tonya's Birthday. 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, I walked 2 miles with Keri, Ella to work. Ian woke up with a low grade fever but after 2 Motrin it broke and never returned so I am not sure what that was about. 

I met my mom and sister at 10am to get pedicures, lunch at BiBa's, and then to the pool for a little bit. Tonya went home to get ready to head to dinner with a friend. 
My gang ended up ordering Jersey Mike's because I had them on stand by incase we needed to go to dinner for Tonya's birthday but at last minute she went to dinner with a friend. 

After dinner, I worked on the blog, Ben played Playstation, Ian went off with Kathryn, and Ella hung out with Gracie!! 

At lunch with Mom and Tonya. 

Thursday, June 27th- 

Ben to the office, Ella off to work, I walked 2 miles with Keri around 8:30. Ian went to Legends to fish. 

I did a few things around the house and then went to my hair appointment at 12:15, made Amazon returns, stopped by Ulta, and Publix. 
Home to start fajita chicken for dinner and then looked on Pinterest for ideas for a shower that I am hosting. 

I finished cooking dinner, we ate, Ella went to hang out with friends while Ian and Kathryn chilled with Ben and I. 

Ella got home, we watched The Presidential Debate, and then crashed. 

Friday, June 28th-

Ben to the office, the kids slept in, I went to the gym, sat in the sauna. Home to get ready to head to Ella's doctor appointment. Lunch and then home to do all the things to get ready to head to the beach on Saturday. 

We got everything packed up, Ella made shirts for a birthday party, she went to the party, got home late, and finished packing. I crashed when she got home. 

Saturday, June 29th- 

I was up at 6am, coffee and Jesus, We left our house around 7 to be at my sisters house by 7:30 and on the road to the beach by 8am. 

We were packed in my Expedition. 

We got to PCB around 2pm CT. Picked up our Walmart order and ran into Publix. 

Look what we parked in front of....What in the world? It looked like mask on the head rest. 

We got into the condo, unloaded, unpacked, walked down to the beach and eventually got ready for an early dinner at C Level. We were starving. 

After dinner, we didn't do much because we were so tired. I was scrolling social media and saw a selfie of me and my trainer, Chris. 

Sunday, June 30th- 

We enjoyed a slow morning and then we headed to the beach. Eric and Candace were also in PCB so we enjoyed a beach day with them. 

We sat under the tent to wait out a thunderstorm. When we got a break in the rain, mom and I went back to the condo to make sandwiches for lunch. 

We finally went up for the day around 3:30. Got ready and headed to Boondocks for dinner. 

After dinner we went to Pier Park for a little bit and then back to the condo to relax!! 

Cheers to another great summer week. 

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