Our Week with Goodbyes to College and the JGO.

Hey Y'all! Happy Wednesday! How is your week going so far? I didn't mean to take a 2 week break but here we are.....

I an recapping August 5th-August 11th. 

Monday, August 5th- 

Ben to the office, coffee and Jesus for me, and then I went to workout at 8am. When I got home I walked with Keri. Then I did all the things....final things for the golf tournament, golf paperwork, email new booster club board members, etc. 

Ella went to eat dinner with Braelyn and Tinsley before they left for college. These girls have been playing golf together since Ella was in 8th grade. 

Tuesday, August 6th- 

Ben to the office, I went to the gym at 7am, then home for my quiet time, and Ella went to school around 11am. Her dual enrollment classes haven't started yet. Keri and I walked around 9am. Then Ian and I went to have lunch with Ben. Once we got home, Ian went fishing and  Ella drove me to Ben to go out for dinner and drinks. Ella went to get ice cream with the girls and Tessa before she left for college. 

Wednesday, August 7th- 

Ben to the office and I enjoyed a lazy morning with the pups. Duke was keeping Ben's spot warm! Ha 

I eventually got up and got busy! I had to go to the bank for FFA and run a few errands. 

Thursday, August 8th- 

Ben to the office, Ian to the golf course, and Ella went to school for 3rd and 4th. I went to the spa for lunch and a massage. On my way home, Ian called and said the new AC was leaking so this is what I came home too. UGH. 

I called the AC people and they sent a crew out to fix the leak. They got that stopped and I did a few things around the house before I crashed. I was so tired from my massage. I know, I know rough life! HA 

Friday, August 9th- 

I was up and went to the gym at 6am, Ben went to the office, and then I went to run all the errands for the golf tournament. Picked up beer, trophies, lunch with Ben, and then WalMart. 

I went to my nail appointment at 2pm. 

Later that evening, got everything ready for the golf tournament and crashed. 

Saturday, August 10th- 

We were up early and heading to the golf course for our annual golf tournament. 

All the teams. 

When we got home, we unloaded the cars, ate dinner, froze some meat, and crashed. 

Sunday, August 11th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to Waffle House, and then I started cleaning and doing all the things.... laundry, clean house, clean craft room, clean out the fridge, meal plan, and make my grocery list. I did take a nap and set up my planner for the week. 

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