Our Week with House Projects and a Bridal Shower.

 Hey Y'all! Still catching up on recaps. Thank you for sticking around. Today, I am recapping 19th-25th!

Monday, August 19th- 

Ben to the office. I enjoyed my quiet time and coffee. I started laundry and then walked with Keri. Once I got back, Ella took me to drop off my car to be serviced. A friend picked her up for school. The carpet cleaning guy got to the house at 11. 

After the carpet was cleaned, I ran to Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Publix, and Kirklands. 

I got home, unloaded the car, and started decorating my mantle for Bailey's bridal shower. I picked Ella up from school because she had to stay after for floral design and I had her car. We picked up my car from being serviced, got home, and made a salad for dinner. 

Ben played in a golf match and got home late. We all crashed. 

Tuesday, August 20th- 

Ben to the office and I woke up feeling pretty crappy. My allergies were a mess. I ended up just resting and skipped my workout and walk. 
As the day went on, I felt better so we went to watch Kathryn coach her volleyball games and then went to Amici's in Monroe for dinner. When we sat down at the table I was freezing and by the time we got home, I had a low grade fever. I got ready for bed, got coffee started for the next morning, and crashed. 

As I was working at my desk, look who was right by my side. 

Love my Trixie girl. 

As I was working, I started the Laci Peterson documentary. It was really good. I remember being glued to the TV when it happened so it was interesting to watch the documentary. 

Wednesday, August 21st- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, I went to workout. I got home, got ready, ran a few errands, and headed to lunch with Leigh Anne. I had a dentist appointment at 1PM. 

I got home, did a few things, and then we all went to Ashlynn's volleyball game at 5pm. After her game, our families went to eat dinner at EL Real. 

We got home and crashed. I put Trixie on my ottoman before we left for the game and look where she was when we got home. She can't jump up there by herself just jump down. 

Thursday, August 22nd- 

Ben to the office, I enjoyed my coffee and Jesus time, I dropped the dogs off at the groomers, I walked with Keri. I got busy doing all the things to get ready for the shower. 

Ella got home and Ben played the first round of the member-member at Legend's. He got home around 8:30, I bought Twisters and watched it. AGAIN! 

Oh Glen Powell! HA! 

Friday, August 23rd- 

Ben to the office, I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time, I didn't make it to the gym because my stomach was a mess. I did end up walking with Keri. I gave myself my bi-weekly shot for eczema. I got ready and headed to run all the errands....Ace, pick up wine from wine night, Costco, and Trader Joes. 

I got home, put on comfy clothes, unloaded everything, and just chilled. 

Ben played in the Member-Member for day 2. Ian headed home for the weekend by 10:30 and headed straight to Legends to watch his dad and Walt. 

Then he headed to see Kathryn. Came home and him and Hunter took kayaks out to a local pond to fish. Ella went to hang out with friends and head to the football game. Ben got home and I ordered us Friends for dinner and got him to watch Twisters. 

We paused the movie when Ian got home and look at sweet Trixie's profile while she was watching her brother outside. She is precious. 

Shortly after the movie ended, we crashed and then Kathryn and Ian got home from playing pickle ball! 

Saturday, August 24th- 

Ben back to the course for the final day of the member-member. I went into full on cleaning mode, Ella was still at Addison's, Ian and Kathryn went to Bass Pro and then to Legend's. I got to a stopping point, got ready, and headed to Legend's to watch Ben and Walt come in, we watched the shot out, ate, and then headed home. I stopped by Publix on the way home for last minute stuff for the shower. 

Sunday, August 25th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, everyone else slept in, and then I did last minute cleaning, got ready, Ben headed to the course, and Ian left to head back to LaGrange around 10:30. 

Stephanie and Addison got to the house around 11 and we went into full on shower prep!! 

It was an AMAZING shower!! Myself, Ella, Stephanie, and Addison hosted the shower. We made a great team and we sure do love our Bailey Anne! We did a "holiday" theme shower!! 

We did a drop in shower from 2-4 so we had a grazing table! 

Our gift to Bailey was everything on the mantle! 

Trixie was loving being in the middle of everything! 

Y'all it was such a FUN shower and Bailey got so many great gifts!! 

After the shower, we cleaned up, I showered, and crawled on the couch, read, and enjoyed my wine! I did manage to do 3 loads of laundry!! 

Cheers to another week!! 

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