Our Week with Wine Night, Working Out, and Walking.

Hey Y'all! Happy Tuesday!I am excited to recap August 12th-18th. 

Monday, August 12th-

Coffee and Jesus. Ben had to report for jury duty. I went to workout, walked with Keri, Ella went to school around 11, and then I had a hair appointment at 12:15. 

I got homw, did a few things around the house, Ella got home, I cooked dinner, Ben and I attended a Booster Club meeting, got home, got ready for bed, and crashed. 

Tuesday, August 13th- 

Ian and I were up early and leaving for LaGrange around 6AM. We got to his dorm and starting moving him in around 8am.  Ben had to report back to jury duty. Ella started DE classes. Ben was in charge of taking Ella's picture for DE and look what we got....

She said "Dad, mom does not take these pictures" HA 

We got Ian settled and then him and 2 other roommates headed to one of the roommates lake house on Lake Burton. 

I stopped by CFA on my way out to potty and get a frosted coffee. 

Later, Ian sent us a picture of him with his CCS trophy! 

Once I got home, the rest of us went to Friends for dinner!! 

Wednesday, August 14th- 

Coffee and Jesus, Ben to the office, Me to the gym. Duke had a vet appointment at 10:45. 

Then I came home to do all the things....laundry, orders, bridal orders, move furniture for the house to get pressure washed. 

Then later it was wine tasting and dinner at The Bistro. 

We got home late and crashed. 

Thursday, August 15th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ben to the office. I went to workout. I walked with Keri. I started watching Emily in Paris. 
Ella got home, Ben got home, Ian got home from the lake, I cooked dinner, and we all crashed. 

Friday, August 16th- 

Coffee and Jesus, Ben to the office, I walked with Keri, I went to Publix. Ben and Ella went to pick up pizza at Italy in Commerce, got home around 8, we ate, I cleaned up, and we all crashed again. 

Saturday, August 17th-  

Ella's alarm went off at 3:30am, she left at 4:15 (Ben followed her) to get to the school for her and a few others with FFA to head to a floral clinic south of Macon. 

Look at her flowers. 

In the meantime, I was getting ready to celebrate my mom's birthday at our house and my guys were playing golf. 

69 years young. 

After everyone left, I cleaned up and then crashed. 

Sunday, August 18th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella went to church, Ian headed to school, and then Ella and I went hoco dress shopping. 

She found her hoco dress. 

We got home and just chilled. 

Cheers to a new week! 

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