Our Week with Ben in NY, Ella on a Bachelorette Trip, and Ian in Lexington, KY.

Hey Y'all! Still catching up on recaps. Thank you for sticking around. Today, I am recapping August 25th- September 1st!

Monday, August 26th- 

Ben to the office. I enjoyed my coffee and Jesus. Went to workout and then walked 2 miles with Keri. I went to my 11am nail appointment all nasty and sweaty. UGH. I even stopped by Publix all stinky. I don't usually make a habit of going out nasty but today was an exception. 

I got home showered, worked in my planner, Ben landed in NY, Ella got home, we chilled and then I went to an FFA meeting at 6:30 and Ella went to YL at 7PM. 

While I was working on the computer, I continued watching the Laci Peterson documentary. 

Tuesday, August 27th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, I went to workout, Ella went to Dual Enrollment classes, I got home and walked with Keri. Ella went to her high school classes. 

I got home worked on a blog post and blog calendar. Ella got home from school, we chilled, and she said daily affirmations to Trixie. HA 

Ella went to pick up a few things for the bachelorette trip and then her and a friend went to Jersey Mike's for dinner, and then she went to visit 2 friends and then we crashed. I was asleep by 8:15. 

Wednesday, August 28th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me. Ella slept in, then we enjoyed a super slow morning. She got ready and headed to her high school classes. I ran a few errands.... Ulta, Target, and Wal-Mart pick up order.  I made dog food. Ella got home, we ate dino nuggets and mac and cheese for dinner. #realfancy 

Ben got home from NY around 9:30 and we crashed. 

Thursday, August 29th- 

Ben to the office. Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella headed to her DE classes, I walked with Keri, and then Ella went to her high school classes. I got ready and ran a couple more errands... Publix and Turtle Creek. I also dyed my hair, laundry, made more dog food, and trail mix for the lake. 

I started packing for the lake while Ella packed for her trip and did DE work. We went to bed fairly early because we all had a busy Friday. Ian text us that his team arrived in Lexington that evening. 

Friday, August 30th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, then I went to work out and walk with Keri. Ella didn't have school. She slept in and did last minute packing before heading to Bailey's for them to head to Charleston for the bachelorette party. Ben got home, packed, we loaded the car, and headed to pick up Leigh Anne to head to the lake. 

Ian sent us this picture of him and his team mate, Andrew, at their practice round. 

We got to the lake and Brett was already there from college. It was an adult trip + Brett 2024. HA 

We got this picture from Bailey of her and Ella. They love each other. 

We celebrated Rob for his birthday!! 

Saturday, August 31st- 

Coffee, Breakfast, and checking out the girls weekend details! So much FUN! 

We left the lake house a little after 11 to find a cove to chill and watch the GA game. 

This guy was in heaven. 

so were these 2. 

Love him so much. 

Our snack set up. 

The girls living their best lives on a boat with a captain. 

Our view on the way back to the lake house. 

By 4:30 this is what we looked liked... Party animals! HA Everyone was trying to sleep and I just kept talking. 

Ella sent me this picture and she was FRIED! UGH

Disco Dinner. 

They each picked a Bailey "Era" 

We crashed at the lake house. 

Sunday, September 1st. 

We woke up, breakfast, and as we were getting our day started we saw these pictures of the girls at brunch. Brett left to head to a buddies house and the adults rode around looking at houses and then found a cove to chill in. 

and we had been following this guy on the app all weekend and he came in 2nd place as an individual! So Proud of him.. 

More pictures from the girls. Some of these pictures got out of order. 

The adults ended their night eating dinner at Taylor's Cove on the lake. On the way back it was raining, so that was fun! HA 
We got back, chatted for a little bit, and then crashed. 

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