Our Week with No School, Trixie's Birthday, and Lunch Dates.

Hey Y'all! Happy Monday! Thank you all so much for your love and prayers. 

I am recapping September 9th - September 15th. 

Monday, September 9th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me. Ella slept in, I walked with Keri, went grocery shopping, cleaned up the house, washed our sheets, etc. 

Ella went back to the school for the first time since the shooting with her friend, Aubrey, so she could pick up her belongings. When Ella got home, we talked about how she felt going back into the building. She said that the hallway that it happened on is completely closed off. She said she didn't feel scared just really sad. 

Ella was quiet for the rest of the evening and was asleep by 8:30. 

We did get this picture from Ian when him and one of his roommates were cooking dinner..... Oh Ian. 

Tuesday, September 10th- 

Ben to the office, I slept in a little bit until it was time for me to head to the gym at 7:45. I worked out 8-9 AM. When I got back, Ella and I got ready and we headed to Ben's office. We went to lunch at Pappadeaux with 2 of Ben's sales reps. I snapped this picture with Josh to send to Carly. 

Ella stayed at the office with Ben, while I took her car to get washed, drove by the school for the first time since everything had happened, and then picked up a Target order. Ben and Ella got home and I made ramen noodles for dinner. We love the lotus brand and use CMM seasoning. 

I worked on a blog post while Ben watched the debate. I just couldn't watch it. I was mentally exhausted. I saw this meme and it pretty much summed up how I was feeling. 

Wednesday, September 11th- A Day We Will Never Forget. 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben to the office, I went to work out and then walk with Keri. Ella and I got ready and headed to Legend's for lunch and then Ben and Ella had a 1:50 tee time. They ended up just playing 9 holes.

We got home, Ben showered, and then we went to pick up his rental car. We got home and I made spaghetti for dinner. 

Cleaned up the kitchen and then crashed. 

Thursday, September 12th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella got up and got ready for her and Aubrey to go to breakfast and shopping in Athens.  I enjoyed a slow morning of reading. I did end up doing laundry and running to Publix to get the ingredients to make Healthy Little Peach's Salsa Verde Soup. Y'all it was SO GOOD. 

A little after 7, this is how we all felt.

Ella tried on her bridesmaid dress again while I was watching Emily in Paris. 

Friday, September 13th- Friday the 13th- we were all hoping nothing else happened 😆

Ben to the office, I slept in and skipped my workout. Ella slept in as well. I met Talia for Mexican and margaritas. After lunch her and I went shopping. I got home, unloaded everything, then we went to Buffalos for dinner and then to the WB football game at Seckinger HS where the kids old golf coach now coaches football. It was great to see him. He had text both Ben and I checking on Ella. We left at halftime because the rain had picked up. We got home, showered, and crashed. Ella spent the night at Addison's after the game. 

Saturday, September 14th- 

The guys went to play golf, Ella went to a head spa in Athens with Bailey, and I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time. I did end up running to Costco for a few things and got caught in a rain storm when I walked out. I got home and made chili. 

Ella went to dinner with friends and we watched the GA game. Y'all it was a close one. 

When Ella got back to Addison's after dinner, B. Webb asked her to WB's homecoming. 

He definitely gets extra points for wearing a hotdog costume. 

She got home, we watched a little more TV, and then all crashed. 

Sunday, September 15th- Trixie's Birthday. 

Coffee and Jesus for me, The guys to the course, and then I went to clean out the shed. I love my new BOO mug. 

I snapped pictures of Trixie for her 8th birthday! 




But then this is what my garage looked like. UGH. 

I need to figure out what to do with all this stuff. 

We were able to upgrade our phones. So Ben and the kids headed to AT&T to start the process. They called me to come up there as well but once I got there my phone had an added stolen protection so I couldn't get my new phone that day because it took 60 minutes to turn off and the store closed within that time frame so I had to go back the next day. 

I got home and cooked mini frozen tacos from Costco for dinner. Then we sent the boys upstairs and the girls watched Hocus Pocus. Well we listened to it because all 3 of us were on our phones. I was deleting text and pictures, Ella was learning her new phone, and Kathryn was playing a game. 

After the movie, we all eventually crashed. 

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