The Worse Week of Our Lives.....But Ended with a Sweet Wedding.

Hey Y'all! I hope your week is off to a great start.  I am recapping September 2nd - September 8th. 

Monday, September 2nd- Labor Day

We enjoyed a slow morning at the lake enjoying our coffee. We got packed up, cleaned up the lake house, and headed home. Ella got home from her bachelorette weekend. She got ready and went to see Addison and Laney Brook. Ben and I dropped of Leigh Anne, picked up El Real for a late lunch/early dinner. We got home, unloaded, ate, unpacked, showered, and chilled for the rest of the evening. 

Tuesday, September 3rd-  

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella went to her DE classes and then to her HS classes. Keri and I walked. Then I did some cleaning and took Keri to a back procedure at 2pm. We got home and I started dinner. I made a garlic chicken with potatoes. It was ok. No one loved it enough for me to fix it again. 

I cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and curled up on the couch. 

Wednesday, September 4th- worse day of our lives. A shooting at Ella's high school. 

It started just like every other day. Ben to the office, I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time, Ella slept in because she didn't have her DE classes. I went to workout, got home, did a few house chores, got ready to take Ella's car to be serviced by Ben's office. About 20 minutes into my drive, I get a call from Ella crying that Stephanie (Addison's mom, Sheriff's wife, one of my best friends) called her and told her not to go to school. She didn't mean to scare her but she needed to trust her. Stephanie didn't want to be the one to tell Ella what was going on. She wanted me to know first and then decide how to tell her. As I was on the phone with Ella, I got a text from Stephanie telling me what was going on so I said "Ella do not go to school" Go back inside because she was loading her stuff into my car to head to school. Then Ella checked social media and she said Mom, someone just said that a Coach was shot at school. I got off the phone with Ella and Stephanie called me and told me what Jud had called her and told her. That there was an ACTIVE SHOOTER at Apalachee High School. I burst into tears and couldn't stop thanking God that Ella had enrolled into DE classes. But my heart was breaking for the rest of our CHEE family. I called Ella back and asked her if she wanted me to get dads truck and come back to the house because at this point I was at the dealership or did she want to come to dad and I at his office 30 minutes away from her school. She wanted to come to us and not be any where close to her school. 

She got to Ben's office and we all just watched everything unfold on Ben's computer screen. It was so unreal. At this point, she had heard from all of her friends and teachers except her golf coaches. As we watched helicopter views of the school, Ella would say there is my parking spot, there is my greenhouse that we grow our plants, etc. It was literally like she was having an outer body experience 

The school and district did an awesome job keeping the parents informed of the latest updates throughout the day. Once the students were taken to safety on the football field. Parents were allowed to come and be with their student(s) but no one was allowed to leave at first. It was my understanding that students had to give a testimony not sure if it was all students or those near the location of the shooting. 

We decided to go get something to eat, got back to Ben's office, and Ella and I left. Ella took Ben's truck to Addison's to see her. I took my car to the same house to see Stephanie. Ben had someone take him to pick up Ella's car when it was finished. I needed to hug Stephanie's neck and thank her. She is my hero that she called my girl to let her know not to go to school. If she wouldn't have, Ella could have possibly been pulling into the school as all of this was going on. Of course, we don't know that for sure but it was all around the same time frame. 

The girls went to be with their friend, Aubrey, who was in the school and a few classrooms down where the shooting happened. Aubrey needed her girls. They then proceeded to go visit a few other friends because I think it helped to physically see their people. 

Stephanie and I just held each other and cried while we watched Jud at the 4:30 press conference. They announced the name of the shooter. Colt Gray, 14 years old. He would be tried as an adult. I was numb. How could a 14 year old kill 4 people and injury 9 and change the lives of 1900 students along with faculty and staff of Apalachee High School? How does a person have that much hate inside of them? As you all know this is still an active investigation so I am not sharing all the "rumors" that I have heard. 

We did find out that one of the injured was Ella's golf coach. We were getting updates from his daughter. He was shot in the hip and ankle. He will make a full recovery. THANK GOODNESS. 

Our county went back to school Tuesday, 9/10 except for AHS. As of right now (Monday, 9/16) we have a gradual returning date of 9/23 but all AHS extracurricular activities have been canceled until further notice. 

Ella ended up staying at Addison's house that night after they attended Bethlehem church for a night of prayer. 

Ben and I both went to sleep still in shock. Ian wanted to come home so bad but I told him he needed to stay at school and go about his day because he was already coming home the next day. 

This day still feels unreal. 

The 4 precious lives that were lost. 

Thursday, September 5th- 

Ben to the office and I settled into my chair for coffee and Jesus. About 10 minutes later, Ben called to tell me that he was ok but that he had been in an accident. I was flying out of my chair to change out of my pjs to head to him. Y'all my nerves were off the chart. 

This was me trying to get to him. 

When I got to him, I just hugged him, and cried. 

This is the car that hit Ben from behind going full speed and not braking. 

Ben dropped me off at home and took my car to the office. I chilled and just tried to process everything. Ella got home and I ran to Publix in her car to get everything to make Taco Soup. I needed comfort food. 

Bailey saw Ben's truck where it was towed and sent us this picture. 

I blogged, did laundry, ate, showered, and curled up on the couch. I did watch Jud's press conference. 

We found out that Colt Gray's father had been charged with 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter, 2 counts of second degree murder, and 8 counts of cruelty. 

We soon crashed. Emotions were high the past couple of days. Ian came home from college but stayed at Kathryn's. 

Friday, September 6th- 

Ben to the office in my car, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ian went to play golf, I ran to Publix while I had Ella's car, Then Ella went to play golf with friends and to have lunch. Ian and Kathryn went to Texas Roadhouse for a late lunch. 

Later that evening, we went to the Jug Tavern for a memorial of the lives we lost. Ian and Kathryn went to gather with her volleyball girls. 

click on my IG post about how special these 5 girls are....

See this mom's FB post about these 2 Jud's.  Jud will always be one of the greatest men that I have ever had to honor to call friend. Even if he does call me "extra" 😉

Everyone got home at different times and then we all crashed. 

Saturday, September 7th- 

Coffee and Jesus for me, Ben went to Waffle House for breakfast. I ran to Publix to pick up a few things since Ben and I were going to be home all day and the kids in and out. 

I had to bust out the fly fans inside because Ben had the back door open and flies were getting inside! UGH. 

Ben also smoked a tenderloin. I made mac and cheese and dirty rice. 

Ella went to the nail salon and text me that she couldn't get out of her car because she was scared. I said I can stay on Facetime with her until she got into the nail salon or she could come pick me and I would go with her. She opted for #2 so we missed the kick off of the GA game. 

I love this..... 

Of course, our dawgs won and we just chilled for the rest of the evening. Ian and Kathryn went back to her sisters house and Ella went to Addison's. 

Ben and I watched football on the back deck before calling it a night and crashing. 

Sunday, September 8th- 

Ben and I got up and went to Waffle House for breakfast and then dropped off 2 dozen donuts at Addison's for the girls. 

I did laundry when we got back and then sat on the back deck and did my quiet time reading. Ian and Kathryn went to pick us up Taco Bell for lunch. 

I got ready and headed to Stephanie's around 3 for us to head to JoAnna's wedding. Jo is the girls Young Life leader. 

Her wedding start at 5:30. 

So sweet of the Falcons to wear Apalachee shirts for warm up. 

The girls with Jud before the wedding. 

We picked up Krista. Girls car and a mom car. 

Beautiful Girls. 

We got home late. I started the coffee for the next morning, took the trash to the road, and CRASHED!