Our Week with Pookie, Sunbelt Expo,

 Hey y'all! Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend! I am recapping October 14th-20th. 

Monday, October 14th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, and then I went to workout. I got home, started potato soup for dinner, then got busy cleaning house and doing laundry. I was able to sit down at my desk and get a few emails sent and blog post typed out. I caught up on OBX and noticed JJ's shirt....

Pookie is Brett's nickname. 

We ate dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and crashed. 

Tuesday, October 15th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, and then I took the dogs to the groomers. I didn't do a whole lot of anything. I napped. Ella got home, she napped, and then at 5:40 we headed to the FFA meeting at 6PM. On our way home, we got gas and picked up CFA. I crashed soon after we got home. 

Wednesday, October 16th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, Ella to school, and then I went to workout. I stopped by Publix to pick up stuff for dinner. Got home, started a load of laundry, blogged, read, went to pickup Ben's new sticker to get into the golf course, and cleaned out the hall closet. 

But look who loved being all cozy...

I made ramen for Ben and I, Ella went to YL, and I soon crashed. Like I was in bed around 7:45pm. Ella got home and we all crashed bc my alarm was set for 3:15. 

Thursday, October 17th- 

My alarm went off at 3:15 to wake Ella up because she needed to leave by 4:30 to pick up Peyton and be at Holly Hill mall by 5am. Ben took the girls and then headed to the office. The girls were headed to the Sunbelt Expo for FFA. 

I made sure Ella had her charger and debit card, then I crawled back into bed. My alarm was set for 6:30. I got up enjoyed my coffee and quiet time. 

Got to the gym right at 8am. worked out until 9am and was exhausted. I did stop at Publix for the ingredients to make dog food because I forgot to schedule a Walmart pick up order. I put on the dog food to cook, made our beds, did the dishes, did some computer work, and watched a few episodes of Gilmore Girls- A Year in the Life. 

Ella send us these pictures...

A footlong corndog. 

She said "look its Trixie as a cow"... 

I sent back this picture that Trixie was not pleased with that comment. 

Later that day, I cleaned Ian's room and bathroom. Ben and I went to dinner at Latin Flavors and then picked up Ella. Where we all got home and CRASHED! 

Friday, October 18th- 

Ben to the office, Coffee and Jesus for me, and Ella to school. I got ready, ran a few errands, and then met Ian, Andrew, and Ben at Legends for lunch. They played 18 holes and I ran to Publix to get stuff to make Lemon Pepper for dinner. Ella went to the football game with friends and look how they dresses up.

I fed the family, cleaned up the kitchen, we talked for a little bit, and then we were ready for bed. Ella spent the night at Addison's. 

Saturday, October 19th- 

The guys went to play golf, I enjoyed my coffee, Jesus, and reading time before I went to start cleaning up the garage. I got ready, took a load to Goodwill, and picked up wings from Smokin Po Boys to feed the guys before Ian and Andrew needed to head back to college. 

Ella stopped by the house to get more clothes to head back to Addison's. They boys headed back to LaGrange around 4pm. 

Ben and I chilled, napped on and off, and then was ready to cheer on our dawgs. 

Bella came to hang out with us and Ben scared her to death with all his screaming at the TV. HA 


Ben and I crawled into bed right after the game was over. 

Sunday, October 20th- 

Ben headed to play in a golf tournament and I slept in for a little bit. Then I got up, let the dogs potty, fed them, started a load of laundry, and curled up in my chair for coffee and Jesus time. Ella got home, I loaded up more stuff in my car to drop off at Goodwill. We got ready and headed to Olive Garden for lunch. Then we went to the Mall of Georgia to look for Ella jeans and a few new shirts. I got a new pair of shoes and 2 new sweatshirts. 

On our way home, We got gas, dropped off the stuff at Goodwill, and then I dropped Ella off at home so she could start packing. I ran to Ulta, Target, and the car wash. 

I got home, unloaded the car, put stuff away, switched out the laundry, did a few things to get ready for Monday, finished laundry, finished this blog post, and crashed early because my alarm was set for 5am. 

Cheers to another week. 

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